I am impressed and I think you should be too. I am sure that political colleagues have been helping each other for years. However, consider Niki is a freshman Rep. who is serving the balance of Marty Meehan’s term after he retired to run UMASS Lowell. She was just elected in the fall of ’07, by special election.
So in the lead up to her first re-election, she is working the ground for her colleagues and providing a link to NH campaigns.
We should be very greatful of Niki Tsongas’ efforts to keep NH Blue and I will be proud to help her re-election efforts this year.
Please share widely!
(But it’s not that difficult when you’re running unopposed…)
p>Seriously, I’m glad she’s doing this, and I’d like to see more of it from the rest of our unchallenged incumbents (McGovern, Capuano, Frank, etc.)
Man, the MAGOP is sad these days.
The reason for no GOP opposition is that the most likely and most viable candidate got himself a big head. As such he opted to try ousting Kerry, but fell 30 signatures short for the ballot.
The MAGOP will kick themselves for not putting up a candidate. Mitt will bring some surge here in MA, if he gets the nod.
p>This is great for Niki!!!!!