There is a story that McCain actually has significant funds compared to reading most headlines which keep bombarding us with Obama’s “amazing” fund raising bringing in $52M vs. McCain’s $22M. Which is correct?
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Reality-based commentary on politics.
mr-lynne says
… when in your title you pre-suppose the answer?
lightiris says
McCain’s fundraising total for June is $22M while Obama’s is $52M.
p>The RNC’s fundraising has been more successful than the DNC’s.
p>In total, Obama has $92M in cash on hand and McCain has $95M, about $3M more than Obama has.
p>The “amazing” part that seems to be confusing you is actually describing the June totals for each campaign. You see, the Obama campaign raised more than twice as much money as the McCain campaign did during the same period.
p>Does that help?
centralmassdad says
I was under the misimpression that McCain was struggling to raise money, and hence that Obama had a big fund raising advantage. I’m surprised McCain is up, though I suppose that is largely an artifact of not having to campaign for several months.
p>Nevertheless, one or two more months of getting lapped by Obama will leave McCain in a bit of a pickle.
p>Primaries are more fun, in that at least something happens once in awhile to help us keep score, as opposed to stuff oike this.
sabutai says
The RNC historically far outraises the DNC. This past month, the two were equal, which is much better for the Democrats than the past. Obama still maintains a huge fundraising advantage, having more than doubled McCain’s total this month.
p>Most folks are saying the DNC had such a good month because the Obama campaign steered supporters there with a joint effort, but I think this also reflects people wanting to get on board what is looking like the winning team. As corporations swing over to cover their interests, we could foresee a cycle where better polls lead to better fundraising, which in turn lead to more ground coverage…resulting in better polls.
johnd says
how much money BO has raised. I was blown away by this news as I too believed McCain was far below BO in total funds. This reminds me o the staes where the headline would read “Obama fill stadium with 35,000 people” and then a small sub-headline saying Clinton wins state 55%-45%. It’s not just what the biased press says, it is also what they don’t say.
p>Will it matter, who knows. But at least we know a truth vs. the media image.
hoyapaul says
p>You are correct, sir! Obama has about $72 million cash on hand (or $60 million, depending on the source), and McCain about $27 million. Either way, that’s a huge disparity, so I think the “media image” is correct on this one. The gap is more than made up for by the gangbuster fundraising by the RNC and relative lackluster fundraising by the DNC.
p>I do think McCain will start to do a bit better, though, once the major Republican donors realize that they are DOA in massive numbers of Senate and House races and contribute instead to McCain’s campaign (throwing vulnerable incumbent Repubs and GOP challengers to the dogs).