I’m so glad Stewart has got his groove back. For a while it seemed like he didn’t know what to do with Obama, and a lot of his jokes were pretty lame. He’s really nailing it now — back at full strength. And yes, SO much funnier than lame McCain campaign videos.
…recently expressed the worry and ambivalence of comedy writers in regards to even touching on race. With the campaign in full swing, they can go back to familiar ground.
p>I think 2 or 3 years from now, we’ll seem some analyses and/or memoirs that discuss how many analysts and pundits felt paralyzed by the Obama-Clinton race, juxtaposing racism and sexism. A lot of good comedy and analysis never got written due to that, I’d wager.
p>Stewart does a really good Brit Hume, I didn’t realize…
Ever seen people at a NASCAR race? the material practically writes itself.
I’d love to have a beer with Mitt Romney, Trent Lott, and John Roberts up at their annual trek to Loudon. Nothing says NASCAR like huge salaries, perfectly gelled hair, and white, teethy smiles!
p>As for thinking you’d be better at satirizing the right than Stewart, Colbert, and company, give it a shot. I look forward to seeing your work here soon – assuming you’re actually able to break the 11th Republican commandment.
Try a little experiment: the next time you’re in a public restroom, go into a stall, assume the traditional peeing “stance,” and then see how much you have to contort yourself to get your foot into a place where it could accidentally bump someone’s foot in the next stall over. (Recommendation: do not try this when someone is actually in the next stall.) I predict that you will conclude that no one, drunk or otherwise, would accidentally get his feet into that position.
and found that the issue is that when you are standing at the urinal, the problem isnt that your feet can’t go under the stall wall (that was plausible) but I found that where my feet were under the wall were up against the side of the toilet, whereas the feet of a person sitting on it were out of my range. My conclusion is that he could easily bump the toilet with a wide stance, but the feet of a person sitting on it require significant strain and would be neigh impossible mid-stream.
Your brethren are in shockingly strong agreement that Tisei should be punished for daring to vote his conscience on the 1913 law. SO, whether or not YOU are a RINO, your party is still strongly aligned with team homophobia
p>Sure, Tisei & his fellow RINOs supports “marriage equality”. That’s a given. The last time I checked, though, neither Bob Hedlund nor Scott Brown were supporters. Did they “grow” & pull a flip-flop on the issue? If not, why did they say nothing during the voice vote on the repeal of the 1913 law?
p>That they ignore the racist roots of the 1913 law is just mind-boggling.
from the broken flags to the richardson in ’12 – hilarious.
Okay, I’m just going to lay it out there on behalf of my German relatives (in laws). Not only were they not born before WWII ended, their parents weren’t even born until after WWII. So, it just gets tired that Americans see Germans and can only think of a Nazi joke. Is it completely out of line to mention that Germany has a rich history outside of the 12 years we seem to only focus on? What about the East Germans defying the Soviets by going and knocking down the wall on their own (which at the time could have resulted in a slaughter — it was Gorbachev who told the leader of East Germany he would not send tanks)? What about Bach, Beethoven, Goethe, and Nietsche? What about health care for all, first thought of by Bizmark?
p>Look, it was a great segment, but the idea that a crowd (who was actually enthusiastic but not as excited and enthralled as Obama’s typical crowd in America) in Germany has to suddenly become a Nazi rally in America’s eyes, is really quite sad. And I say this not because it was a Democrat there — although geez — isn’t Obama by how he looks a giant F You to Adolf Hitler? It’s that the German people, over 60 years after the end of WWII, with the WWII generation dying out as we speak is STILL characterized as being Nazis. They couldn’t be further from that. They’re a fairly anti-war people and strong supporter of human rights. They have been forthright in saying they were sorry as a country about what happened, they have paid reparations — basically, they have done nearly everything the Allied countries and victims of the Nazi regime have asked them to do. I think it’s time to let go of the meme that German = Nazi. Or can we agree to do so when the last WWII vet in Germany dies?
at the video and you’ll see that the nazi connection was raised by a national newscaster. jon stewart rightly showed how inane that was by making fun of the idea.
Jon did make a Nazi joke first — he used it as a lead-in to the national guy. But I thought Jon’s joke was pretty funny.
like beachmom i also tire of “nazi” often being the first thing that comes to mind when “germany” is invoked. however, jon actually did a good thing in raising that thought in the way he did, showing a huge german crowd that was so non-nazi that it was waving american flags and sympathizing with someone who purportedly opposes the current war. i think the whole piece was brilliant in so many ways.
I think beachmom might be objecting to Stewart’s joke before the Fox clip — the “charismatic leader talking to huge crowd of Germans” part rather than the “you can’t throw a rock in Germany without hitting something Hitler appropriated for his own purposes” part — but I agree with you that that too was parodying the Goldbergian “Obama draws huge crowds so he must be a fascist!” line which is becoming a stock part of conservative discourse. (Cf.)
“charasmatic leader talking to huge crowds of Germans” comment said with feigned discomfort is a self-referential joke as Stewart is Jewish.
even born in 1945. Points well taken, everyone, and I did like what he said later. It’s just a pet peeve of mind, that I hope everyone considers.
Sorry guys the swastika is your cross to bare. I for one don’t want to forget about it. And come on i think you guys get off easy a little joke here at your expense beats losing 6 million of your friends and family. Just putting things in perspective.
p>And yeah the Nazi jokes were also in context.
p>Oh and Bismarck was the man, the wrong side lost WWI and you can take that to the bank.
Charismatic leader, admiring Germans…I thought he was segueing into JFK. Or Adenauer. I do agree that Hitler is long enough ago that it doesn’t have to be brought up at every opportunity.
Since when has a political activist, never mind a campaign, had a sense of humor? Each has too many sacred cows to be funny for more than a moment here and there.
p>Stewart is funny because he will happily skewer left and right. If his own political views skew all of that to the left, well, that is how it is.
p>PJ O’Rourke– though not a television personality– does the same from the other side, and is just as, perhaps more, funny (at least as a writer).
p>Indeed, I imagine that his appearances on the Daily Show are worth staying up for, though I always fall asleep too early to see it.
And thank goodness that you revealed these to me on a Friday evening, lest I waste an entire work day watching them.
p>Once again, the GOP is trying to get away with saying Obama doesn’t have what it takes to be on the warld stage, then criticizes him when he does.
p>It is truly sad that the GOP has resorted to these Republican rants!
p>If there is any silver lining here, it shows the Republican are concerned. Let’s work hard for Barack Obama and made the Republicans frantic!
A. When the GOP begins to resort to Democratic rants.
Since I have been corrected for using “tree hugger” I feel justified in saying WORLD is spelled that way. I am an unenrolled voter, but at least the republicans appear to have an 8th grade education.
I’m so glad Stewart has got his groove back. For a while it seemed like he didn’t know what to do with Obama, and a lot of his jokes were pretty lame. He’s really nailing it now — back at full strength. And yes, SO much funnier than lame McCain campaign videos.
…recently expressed the worry and ambivalence of comedy writers in regards to even touching on race. With the campaign in full swing, they can go back to familiar ground.
p>I think 2 or 3 years from now, we’ll seem some analyses and/or memoirs that discuss how many analysts and pundits felt paralyzed by the Obama-Clinton race, juxtaposing racism and sexism. A lot of good comedy and analysis never got written due to that, I’d wager.
p>Stewart does a really good Brit Hume, I didn’t realize…
Ever seen people at a NASCAR race? the material practically writes itself.
I’d love to have a beer with Mitt Romney, Trent Lott, and John Roberts up at their annual trek to Loudon. Nothing says NASCAR like huge salaries, perfectly gelled hair, and white, teethy smiles!
p>As for thinking you’d be better at satirizing the right than Stewart, Colbert, and company, give it a shot. I look forward to seeing your work here soon – assuming you’re actually able to break the 11th Republican commandment.
a RINO unless I misread it or something.
but that doesn’t make me a RINO.
which stance might that be?
was really drunk or hungover, I would believe him that he had to stand like that to pee.
Try a little experiment: the next time you’re in a public restroom, go into a stall, assume the traditional peeing “stance,” and then see how much you have to contort yourself to get your foot into a place where it could accidentally bump someone’s foot in the next stall over. (Recommendation: do not try this when someone is actually in the next stall.) I predict that you will conclude that no one, drunk or otherwise, would accidentally get his feet into that position.
and found that the issue is that when you are standing at the urinal, the problem isnt that your feet can’t go under the stall wall (that was plausible) but I found that where my feet were under the wall were up against the side of the toilet, whereas the feet of a person sitting on it were out of my range. My conclusion is that he could easily bump the toilet with a wide stance, but the feet of a person sitting on it require significant strain and would be neigh impossible mid-stream.
Your brethren are in shockingly strong agreement that Tisei should be punished for daring to vote his conscience on the 1913 law. SO, whether or not YOU are a RINO, your party is still strongly aligned with team homophobia
p>This comment is pretty typical:
p>Sure, Tisei & his fellow RINOs supports “marriage equality”. That’s a given. The last time I checked, though, neither Bob Hedlund nor Scott Brown were supporters. Did they “grow” & pull a flip-flop on the issue? If not, why did they say nothing during the voice vote on the repeal of the 1913 law?
p>That they ignore the racist roots of the 1913 law is just mind-boggling.
from the broken flags to the richardson in ’12 – hilarious.
Okay, I’m just going to lay it out there on behalf of my German relatives (in laws). Not only were they not born before WWII ended, their parents weren’t even born until after WWII. So, it just gets tired that Americans see Germans and can only think of a Nazi joke. Is it completely out of line to mention that Germany has a rich history outside of the 12 years we seem to only focus on? What about the East Germans defying the Soviets by going and knocking down the wall on their own (which at the time could have resulted in a slaughter — it was Gorbachev who told the leader of East Germany he would not send tanks)? What about Bach, Beethoven, Goethe, and Nietsche? What about health care for all, first thought of by Bizmark?
p>Look, it was a great segment, but the idea that a crowd (who was actually enthusiastic but not as excited and enthralled as Obama’s typical crowd in America) in Germany has to suddenly become a Nazi rally in America’s eyes, is really quite sad. And I say this not because it was a Democrat there — although geez — isn’t Obama by how he looks a giant F You to Adolf Hitler? It’s that the German people, over 60 years after the end of WWII, with the WWII generation dying out as we speak is STILL characterized as being Nazis. They couldn’t be further from that. They’re a fairly anti-war people and strong supporter of human rights. They have been forthright in saying they were sorry as a country about what happened, they have paid reparations — basically, they have done nearly everything the Allied countries and victims of the Nazi regime have asked them to do. I think it’s time to let go of the meme that German = Nazi. Or can we agree to do so when the last WWII vet in Germany dies?
at the video and you’ll see that the nazi connection was raised by a national newscaster. jon stewart rightly showed how inane that was by making fun of the idea.
Jon did make a Nazi joke first — he used it as a lead-in to the national guy. But I thought Jon’s joke was pretty funny.
like beachmom i also tire of “nazi” often being the first thing that comes to mind when “germany” is invoked. however, jon actually did a good thing in raising that thought in the way he did, showing a huge german crowd that was so non-nazi that it was waving american flags and sympathizing with someone who purportedly opposes the current war. i think the whole piece was brilliant in so many ways.
I think beachmom might be objecting to Stewart’s joke before the Fox clip — the “charismatic leader talking to huge crowd of Germans” part rather than the “you can’t throw a rock in Germany without hitting something Hitler appropriated for his own purposes” part — but I agree with you that that too was parodying the Goldbergian “Obama draws huge crowds so he must be a fascist!” line which is becoming a stock part of conservative discourse. (Cf.)
“charasmatic leader talking to huge crowds of Germans” comment said with feigned discomfort is a self-referential joke as Stewart is Jewish.
even born in 1945. Points well taken, everyone, and I did like what he said later. It’s just a pet peeve of mind, that I hope everyone considers.
Sorry guys the swastika is your cross to bare. I for one don’t want to forget about it. And come on i think you guys get off easy a little joke here at your expense beats losing 6 million of your friends and family. Just putting things in perspective.
p>And yeah the Nazi jokes were also in context.
p>Oh and Bismarck was the man, the wrong side lost WWI and you can take that to the bank.
Charismatic leader, admiring Germans…I thought he was segueing into JFK. Or Adenauer. I do agree that Hitler is long enough ago that it doesn’t have to be brought up at every opportunity.
Since when has a political activist, never mind a campaign, had a sense of humor? Each has too many sacred cows to be funny for more than a moment here and there.
p>Stewart is funny because he will happily skewer left and right. If his own political views skew all of that to the left, well, that is how it is.
p>PJ O’Rourke– though not a television personality– does the same from the other side, and is just as, perhaps more, funny (at least as a writer).
p>Indeed, I imagine that his appearances on the Daily Show are worth staying up for, though I always fall asleep too early to see it.
His Daily Show appearances can be found here.
And thank goodness that you revealed these to me on a Friday evening, lest I waste an entire work day watching them.
p>Once again, the GOP is trying to get away with saying Obama doesn’t have what it takes to be on the warld stage, then criticizes him when he does.
p>It is truly sad that the GOP has resorted to these Republican rants!
p>If there is any silver lining here, it shows the Republican are concerned. Let’s work hard for Barack Obama and made the Republicans frantic!
A. When the GOP begins to resort to Democratic rants.
Since I have been corrected for using “tree hugger” I feel justified in saying WORLD is spelled that way. I am an unenrolled voter, but at least the republicans appear to have an 8th grade education.
p>Couldn’t resist — it’s one of the funniest things ever. đŸ˜‰