Maybe we can start having Nativity scenes at our public buildings and parks next. Many of BO’s supporters say he is not a flip-flopper but he does “shift” his position from time to time. Is this a shift, a pander or a flip-flop?
Story from NPR but you can find tons of links to the story on your own.
Please share widely!
…you’d have to show where his current position is inconsistent with some past statement of his, wouldn’t you? I don’t think you’ll be able to find any such thing – until you do, it’s none of the above.
p>As to the program itself, he appears to be trying to make it better than Bush’s program, which amounted to little more than spreading “walking around money” among various GOP approved faith-based initiatives. Many of them involved abstinence-only sex education programs, which have been shown to be ineffective – under Obama’s plan, these organizations would not get funding, as the programs must demonstrate good results or lose their funds. That’s an addition to the current program that I can get behind.
p>Why did Obama come out in favor of faith-based initiatives? He’s probably trying to peal away a layer of support from McCain, who currently has a 69% – 21% lead among evangelicals. If he manages to pull away another 10% or 15%, he blunts that demographic for McCain. Good politics, if you ask me!