As a Hillary Clinton partisan, I am really trying to fall in line behind Barack Obama. He is a Democrat…so am I. I’m trying to tote the party line…do the right thing. And of course, I cannot bear the thought of another Republican presidency.
But exactly who is the Republican candidate here?
This is making me nauseous.
Please share widely!
Let me get this straight (pardon the pun): he’s against equal rights for gays but in favor of public funding for “faith-based” initiatives. What’s next, a national holiday for Charlton Heston?
The records speak for themselves:
p>Barack Obama
p>John McCain
p>I think it’s pretty clear which is which.
p>If raising some concern over the Democratic nominee’s apparent attempt to shift to the center to recruit evangelical Christians is ridiculous…if proposing to spend more than $500 million dollars in taxpayers money for religious organizations doesn’t bother you…and if expanding upon this Bush Administration program that has strong support from the evangelical right doesn’t give you any cause for concern…then I guess you may dismiss my concerns about the Democratic Presidential nominee’s shift to the center as ridiculous.
p>You may be comfortable with this shift. I, however, am not. And if expressing my concern over it is ridiculous, then so be it.
…is not the criticism of specific plans (although as a centrist myself they probably don’t bother me as much as they do you). It’s going all the way to saying that Obama is Republican-lite, which at least previous voting records would resoundly disprove. In other words, of course he’s a Democrat; let’s please not fall for the George Wallace/Ralph Nader “not a dime’s worth of difference” baloney.
McCain just put a Bush insider, a Rove deputy, to be a senior advisor to his campaign.
p>It surely does look like a McCain administration will indeed be Bush III.
p>(Therefore, Obama may not need to tack as far right as he has, though I certainly don’t put this faith-based thing in the pivot category; it just makes good sense)
p>By indicating that there is no difference, you assert that Obama will also look like Bush III. K Street. Iraq. Iran. Katrina. cronyism. Roberts and Alito (neither of whom bothers me as much I think they do you).
…he is a Democrat. I wish he would act like one. There is no need for him to try and out-Republican John McCain with this faith-based nonsense.
Obama, the Democrat, is starting to sound like Bush, a Republican. Go read yesterday’s newspaper.