As a long-standing supporter of affordable housing and a Jamaica Plain resident, the BRA proposed goal of 50% affordable housing units for the Forest Hills Initiative seems reasonable to me. (BRA=Boston Redevelopment Authority). The 50% affordable units is a goal, not a mandate. I can’t understand why Senator Wilkerson would oppose this. At a recent public meeting for community input on the Forest Hills development project, Sen. Wilkerson didn’t even attend but had a letter (on Senate letterhead, dated 6/26/08, begins with “Dear Residents of Jamaica Plain”) from her distributed. The letter states her opposition to the 50% goal proposal stating that she has “grave concerns about the 50% and I do believe that it is not balanced”.
Boston needs more transit-based affordable housing and the proposal makes sense for Jamaica Plain. The fact that Sen. Wilkerson opposes it doesn’t sit well with many voters. Thankfully, this senate seat is being challenged by a very strong Democratic candidate who I urge other voters to learn more about and to consider voting for on primary day, Sept. 16, 2008.
I’m disappointed at the tone of this post, mostly because AnnEM wasted an opportunity to have a discussion about the Forest Hills development by distorting Dianne Wilkerson’s views on the project and her letter that was distributed by staff at the community meeting. What the letter spoke about was a desire for consistent policies by the BRA when it comes to affordable housing across neighborhoods. I’m disappointed AnnEM (an obvious Chang-Diaz supporter) went the route of hit-job and it’s even more unfortunate that the campaign itself seems to be interested in a negative campaign.
p>While we’re talking about Jamaica Plain, Dianne Wilkerson secured $5.69 million for Kelly Rink in JP and $1.2 million for forest regeneration in JP in the environmental bond bill that passed the Senate yesterday. I encourage anyone who is interested in learning what else Dianne has delivered for the district to visit her website, As an aside, the website also has a clip of her speech from the Senate floor last week where she secured passage of the bill to repeal the 1913 law that prohibited out of state gay couples from coming to Massachusetts to marry.
Josh, you don’t make any attempt to refute my basic point so I assume you agree with it–that Sen Wilkerson is against the BRA’s goal of 50% units of affordable housing for the Forest Hills development–but then you go on to talk about issues off the topic of this post: affordable housing and our community’s need for it.
p>Yes, as a voter in the second suffolk district, I am happy to have it known that I enthusiastically support Sonia Chang-Diaz for state senate. There have been many gravely disappointing instances of Sen Wilkerson siding with moneyed interests over the interests or ordinary people in this district. Her position against the clean election law that passed with 68% of the vote is a glaring example, and, more recently, her flip-flop to vote against the public health measure to have DPH establish safe minimum nurse staffing levels in hospitals (akin to the sensible minimum staffing levels that have long existed existed in day care centers) is appalling. Sen Wilkerson supported the safe staffing law last session but repeatedly refused to publicly state her position on it this term.
p>Sonia Chang-Diaz is running a very positive campaign. I’m excited about her knowledge and her positions on public education, community development including affordable housing, and good government. (I’ve got a child in a Boston public school and another heading there in a couple years and I’m a nurse who’s worked with Boston Health Care for the Homeless for 3 years so the affordable housing issue is one of many public policy issues near and dear to me, as is the gay rights issue as well). As a long-time constituent in Dianne Wilkerson’s district I know there is plenty to be negative about but that’s NOT the campaign Chang-Diaz is running. Facts are facts. We need a Senator who we can count on to vote our interests, have confidence in their basic competence, and who we can trust.
p>I just came across this nice missive about why another concerned voter will be casting his vote for Sonia Chang-Diaz, and will be urging others’ to do so as well:…
I actually came back here today to see if there was a response to AnnEM. From your comment:
p>Well, AnnEM discussed the 50% affordable housing goal and that Dianne Wilkerson opposes it. Set the record straight what did Dianne Wilkerson write in the letter. Does she oppose it? Make the case why her stance is better, you are the one who said you want to set the record straight.