The sign up for our company sponsored “health plan day” was very telling. Gone were the previous years choices between health plan providers. Gone were the telephone books listing doctors and specific plan benefits. It was all reduced to a two page “take it or leave it” this is all there is.
The very first visit to the doctor was also telling. I paid the co-pay, retained the receipt and two weeks later received a benefit statement from the insurance company which stated I owed the co-pay.
The second month into this new plan employees started using emails to relay information on how not to get screwed out of health insurance benefit claims. The company responded by policy. It is against company policy to “abuse” the company provided IT system.…
In getting medical things done arguments, resubmittals of claims is positively going to be a definitive hassle. Even if we can’t us emails we still talk among ourselves. But that is only one third of it. The other is the permanence of your digital medical records and your absolute right to let the entire data mining world have them.
The third reason is I really don’t want to support the big pharma industry. Mandatory vaccines, autism/mercury, aspartame, viox and or whatever half tested artificially “life enhancing” 3,000 percent profit margin crap with definitive side effects they want to get me “on”.
Ah to be the government and mandate something which sucks to prop up their buddies in the last remaining not 100% outsourced industry and not regulate it.
your life (& limb), or your concerns about Big Medicine? talk about cutting of your nose to spite your face! get your leg cared for so you can live to snark another day.
They have us over a barrel, and you seem to approve of the situation. In order to get any healthcare, we have to support all that big pharma and big bio stuff. There is a solution though: go to the emergency room without an id and give a fake name.
Dear Last Horseman:
p>Get Mass Health coverage and you will have no problem seeing whatever specialist you want to. Don’t worry about the cost, the smokers of the Commonwealth will cover it.
p>Wait a minute….. I just quit so the Commonwealth can take a flying leap as far as I am concerned. It is VERY short sighted to rely on a decreasing population to increase revenue. And they don’t have the guts to tax beer.
Wayne Wilson
p>Really, get your leg looked after soon. đŸ˜‰
If you die because you don’t get this checked out, the the
terroristser… insurance and pharma companies have won.<
p>Hey, I don’t want to support Haliburton and Blackwater with my tax dollars, but I like to eat food and live indoors, therefore income and taxes are a must.
p>You can stand strong on your principals and do what’s best for your health and future. Don’t let the bad policies of corporate health care dictate your decisions for your health. Live to fight another day; you can stick it to the man a lot more alive then dead.
Or start your own company and pick any Insurance company you want to offer your employees… for free.
So after vacation I guess I’ll have to go get it looked at.
p>I also want to hammer on my second point though, the patient privacy rights section. Study it, live it, be one with the concept. I want you all when your doctor asks you to sign a HIPPA statement to state “I know this is all bullshit on it”. A digital record is several things. It is permanent, it is mined by any company or governement agency that wants it, and you have no idea of what is says or if the information is true and correct. It is much ther very same thing as the “convienience” of instant monetary exchange. Ooops, hackers get thousands of credit card numbers from…….government looses veterans information….XP “updates” due to “critical” “security” flaws. I can however pay somebody to answer that question.
“Did I Steal Myself?”
Now there is an idea
We could SUE!
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