In just over 24 hours, we’ve raised almost $2,000 for the Obama campaign and sold about 25 tickets for the National Anthem concert. An excellent start!
Now, of course, comes the more difficult part. The initial announcement is a day old, the post has scrolled down the page, and the temptation (I know, because I do this myself all the time) is to say, “yes, yes, sounds great, I’ll buy a ticket when I get to it.”
I encourage you to overcome that temptation and buy a ticket now. For one thing, it’s really important that money continue to flow steadily into the Obama campaign. To quote a recent email from Obama’s campaign manager,
We have developed a strategy — a very aggressive strategy — that will only work if our millions of supporters continue to contribute their time and their money.
That strategy will work, and it has to. The stakes are too high and the need for change too great.
But victory is only possible with your continued help.
We can’t do this without you.
The Obama campaign’s fundraising success has been largely dependent on small donors. And donations of the size that will get you into our concert — $20, $50, $100 — are exactly what has brought the Obama campaign this far. Keep it going.
For another thing, we’ve got a lot of tickets to sell! Twenty-five tickets is a great start for the first day, but we need to keep up that kind of pace for weeks in order to fill Jordan Hall.
So check out the concert, and buy a ticket. Don’t wait; just do it. You know you want to. đŸ™‚
Oh, and don’t forget to spread the word!
I sent an email to about 50 friends of mine yesterday — at least 2 folks bought a pair, and one friend said she’s waiting to see who Obama picks for VP đŸ™‚
p>In any case, buy your tickets, and encourage your local Democratic friends to do so too. 1000 is quite a lot if just BMG folks have to buy ’em, but 1000 is nothing if everybody around here forwards the message on.
who I’m going with, so I know how many tickets I need to get, but I won’t wait long.
Not only is the request positive, but a bunch of folks REALLY want to pitch in — on pitch, as it were.
will keep you posted!
BTW — my husband never said a word about your looking for volunteers. The response was completely unprompted. You can end up with a nice little choir.
I really want to go, but I can’t commit to the event, it being just 4 days before the primary.
and give the tickets away…
Spread the joy of music đŸ™‚