A lot of people (mainly Liberals) often slap the US Senate as being a group of old white guys. First, is that a racial remark? However, in addition to this slap, I also hear about how screwed up the US is and we need to follow some of our European brothers since they are so progressive and enlightened about many issues (healthcare, income distribution, taxes, gender…).
So how come this picture of the 2008 G8 summit looks like our US Senate and nobody is saying anything about it? Only one woman from Germany. Should we be following their lead on this?
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the liberal mantra “do as I say, not as I do”. Al Gore on energy conservation, Barack on speaking foreign languages, “Noam Chomsky, who condemns American imperialism while charging $12,000 per speaking engagement and storing his gains in offshore accounts”, Al Franken and his failure to pay taxes, “Michael Moore, whose criticism of American enterprise smacks up against a $380,000 corporate stock and bond portfolio that has included shares in Merck, McDonalds, General Electric, and Halliburton”.
People elect who they are going to elect. UK has had a woman PM, US could have had a woman elected POTUS this year and has a woman Speaker. Yes, Europe does seem more enlightened than we do on some things, but I’m concerned about actual policies, not a photograph. It seems women have an easier time in general rising through legislative ranks (Pelosi, Thatcher, Merkel) than being popularly elected across the board.