He searched.
He determined there was an accident between two motor vehicles.
He states unequivocally the driver of one motor vehicle – the dead girl – was 100% not negligent.
He asserts the color of the traffic light at the time of the accident is not known because of a discrepancy in witness reports (One by-stander said the light was green, the non-exculpated driver said it was red. How can the dead girl be 100% not at fault if Conley is unsure of the color of the light?)
The non-exculpated driver was a Boston police officer responding to a call.
Conley determined the police officer needs more training.
Vehicular homicide is the charge a person gets when he/she drives an automobile in a negligent manner and death results. Little quirk in the law because a negligent action leads to a criminal offense which usually requires an intentional act. There are different degrees of motor vehicle homicide charges. Straight negligence, the “there but the grace of God go I” type stuff do not require mandatory sentences and the court and D.A. has much discretion in penalty. Take each case as it comes.
Conley identifies a two car accident which only could occur as a result of an intentional act, negligence by one or more persons, or act of God. He eliminates all possible sources of negligence or intentional acts from everyone and everything except for the Police officer who he declares needs more training. God has an alibi. Besides, God usually stays out of Southie because they are such pains in the asses.
Yet Dan can’t find any negligence.
He searched. He found. He avoided.
Is the public safer because Dan Conley refused to do his job and remind cowboy drivers of police cars and fire trucks and ambulances to keep safety of pedestrians and other vehicles a top priority?
Don’t they have a responsibility? A duty? Don’t they breech that duty when they drive through red lights without looking and become the proximate cause of a non-negligent civilian’s death?
Search and Avoid Conley Just said “NO!”
Screw you Dan.
That wasn’t your kid in the car.
Pussy – Be a man and do your job you Goddamn enabler.
My vote is “No – Flaherty isn’t much better than Conley.”
p>As I said a few months ago:
p>That said, I think Flaherty would probably be the strongest candidate- unless Cabral jumped in. But she’d have to give up her Sheriff seat to do that- DA and Sheriff are both on the ballot in 2010. I think aside from Flaherty, Connolly is the only other at-large councillor who is an attorney. Then you have the state Senators- Walsh is going to be a judge or something, Wilkerson’s been “suspended”, and the others aren’t attorneys. That leaves the reps and the district councillors, whom I would think would have a tougher time unseating a county-wide incumbent.
p>Of course, there could be someone who’s not in elected office who could win. Pehaps. In theory. I suppose.