This is great news. Yesterday, the Democratic National Committee and Barack Obama announced that our national Democratic Party platform will be open to input from Democrats across the country.
Click Here to see the AP article.
Senator Obama is encouraging Democrats from across the country to host a platform meeting from July 19th to the 27th. You can sign up to host your own party and get involved!
The draft will serve as a working document for the full Platform Committee, of which our very own Gov. Patrick is one of the 3 co-chairs. They will meet Aug. 9 in Pittsburgh to consider and vote on the document.
Please share widely!
edit posts that are already posted? I meant to type Democratic Party Platform. I would appreciate any help. Thanks!
Once you are logged in click on “Cambridge Paul’s Page”, which should be near the top of the left margin on the Menu.
p>Click on the title of this post, even though it will not appear to be clickable until your cursor is on it.
p>Click on “edit diary” which you will find underneath the date/time stamp.
p>From here you can retype all titles and text.
Jim Marzilli’s lawyer Terrence Kennedy(?) was on Emily Rooney’s Greater Boston today. Marzilli has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder.
July 22nd at 7pm. If anyone lives in the Cambridge area, feel free to stop by and join in the discussion! Click me for details.