Reports are that Evan Bayh is the top finalist for the Vice President slot.
Evan Bayh, legacy Washington insider, career politician.
Evan Bayh, supporter of the Iraq War then, supporter of the Iraq War now.
Evan Bayh, supporter of first strike aggression in Iran.
I could go on, but let’s just say: I think there are better choices.
If you agree, join us.
100,000 Strong Against Evan Bayh For VP (A Facebook Group)
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I would wager that they’ve already chosen the VP.
p>Anyways, who do you think would be a suitable candidate? They’ll probably go with someone “moderate”. As a former Kerry adviser, do you think he actually has a chance as VP? Well perhaps that explains why he’s still opposed to marriage equality.
but I think the Obama campaign has already chosen a boring white guy that is deemed both substantial in foreign policy and noncontroversial by the MSM and I think Bayh fits that description to a T.
Most people on BMG kept demanding Obama put Hillary on the ticket, or Webb, or Clark.
p>But lets look at the facts so far these are the damaging criticisms against Bayh from Mr. Boyce
p>Down the line you could say the exact same thing about Hillary Clinton. The difference is Clinton’s positions are to the right of Joe Liebermans and she is from a LIBERAL state. Whereas Bayh comes from a state where 60% of all voters self identify as conservative Republicans. A Democrat who can win over that many people while still voting with his party 90% of the time must be a damn talented politician in my view.
p>On healthcare, on the economy, on jobs, on foreign relations, on Iraq after 2004, Bayhs positions are identical with most Democrats.
p>Webb and Clark oppose repealing DADT, Clark vacillated on the war in 2004, Webb is incredibly anti-immigrants rights and gay rights, yet both of these guys are considered darlings by the progressive left when they are just as conservative as Bayh.
p>Warner another darling was far more conservative as Governor than Bayh was. He balanced budgets on the backs of the poor and education, he cut taxes for corporations, and he was lukewarm to hostile on several gay rights initiatives. And he was a lot more pro-gun than Bayh even though IN is a far more pro-gun state.
p>I am not saying Bayh is the best choice, lately Ive been thinking Clark might be better, but I find it completely hypocritical for people like you and Sabutai to attack Bayh for holding the EXACT SAME positions as candidates you support like Clinton, Webb, and Clark.
p>He is too boring perhaps, maybe he wont carry IN, yes losing his senate seat is bad, but he is in no way this right wing nutjob you people make him out to be and he is just as conservative as people you champion.
all of us? aren’t you a blogger too? are you criticizing yourself in that comment, creating an infinite loop?
jconway has decided that he is not a “blogger.” This is the second time (althought there may be others) I’ve seen him use this you-people sort of construction, as if he’s some sort of outsider who rarely participates in online forums. So I guess the question is this: if we’re bloggers, what does that make him?
is anyone ever going to respond to the arguments I raise or is it just more fun to be pedantically argue about semantics?
p>”You bloggers” ,meaning “you bloggers who think that Bayh is bad” thats what it meant. So for all YOU BLOGGERS that think Bayh is bad tell me why you aren’t hypocrites considering he is from a red state but has an identical voting record as Sen. Clinton, is LESS conservative than blog favorite Jim Webb, and on gay issues LESS conservative than blog darlings Warner and Clark. Answer that-argue about my ideas-then maybe we can argue about my words.