Next we have a video that emphasizes McCain’s remarkable fondness for military force. McCain is one of those Dolchstoss nuts from the Vietnam War era who still believes that killing yet another million Vietnamese would have successfully installed the never-popular South Vietnamese government. This video is quite chilling. It brings out the dangers of having another President who wants to be a war-time President — including a few you may not have thought of:
Here’s one I find particularly moving. It points out how McCain has consistently been cheerleading the Iraq War but it does so not in a gotcha way but in a look-how-tragic-this-is way.
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I hope they go ‘viral.’
Its pretty good overall but I dont like the line that they campaigned together while our soldiers died. It just doesn’t make any sense. How is campaigning while our soldiers dying out of touch? Kerry and Edwards did the same thing, Obama and McCain are doing it now. Also I think it would alienate people in the heartland since I don’t believe that McCain and Bush are indifferent to casualties I just believe strongly that they are misguided in justifying them.
The candidate we still don’t know.”
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“McCain frequently forgets key elements of policies, gets countries’ names wrong, forgets things he’s said only hours or days before and is frequently just confused.” Most Americans still don’t know it is precisely for this reason that the McCain campaign has now shut down the press’s previously unfettered access to the candidate on the Straight Talk Express. “