I heard rumors earlier this week, but wasn’t sure if in fact they were true. That’s why I held off on reporting it here. But now it looks like it’s true. According to Scott Brown’s website he has been endorsed by the American Federation of Labor and Council of Industrial Organizations.
For some history, the AFL-CIO supported Angus McQuilken in both of his runs against Senator Brown spending hundreds of thousands of dollars against him. Scott after his second victory went to the bi-annual post swearing in breakfast of the AFL-CIO and shocked the leadership by doing so. They have had a decent working relationship since, and this endorsement is the culmination of that relationship.
Other labor organizations endorsing Senator Brown include:
Fraternal Order of Police (FOP)
The Massachusetts Coalition of Police (MASS COP)
The Massachusetts Laborers’ District Council
The Wrentham Police Association,
What does that mean for candidate Orozco? A large portion of her normal support structure just went away. Looks like you guys have your work cut out for you.
Union support is almost always a good sign.
Orozco does have the endorsement of SEIU 1199, and the AFT and BTU (but not the Mass. Teacher’s Association).
The Massachusetts AFL-CIO website lists it’s endorsements for “Special Friends” races (they all appear to be Democratic Priamry races so far).
p>Checking on Labor voting records on that same site, Senator Brown has a 53% Labor voting record from 2002-2006. That would place him well below the threshold for consideration for an endorsement (I believe that incumbent Legislators need a 75% to even be considered).
p>Now stranger things have happened but I would be surprised if Senator Brown had improved his record to 75% in the 2007-08 session . .. and had then gotten a 2/3 vote needed for endorsement.
p>I suspect that Senator Brown has gotten an AFL-CIO Union or regional labor group endorsement and perhaps misunderstood its scope.
I’ve heard its the Statewide AFL-CIO.
I bet he’s thrilled.
Always good to get things carefully fact-checked.
Have to admit I am perplexed by the Scott Brown endorsement. I can understand individual unions endorsing based on priority issues but an overall endorsement is surprising.
p>For the record my union has contributed to Senator Brown in the past.
Maybe somebody could help me out, but I can’t find a reference to Mr. Brown being a Republican anywhere on his site. Perhaps I’m missing it because it’s written in big letters or something.
p>If it’s there, it’s pretty hard to find.
p>Is he ashamed of his party affiliation or something?
very classy.
I suspect you’re not the only Republican to think so.
his web site is also blue (not red), why?
p>Methinks the guy is ashamed of his Republicanickyness.
p>I note the absence, as well, of his views on social issues on his website.
p>All of which, of course, strikes me as more than a little bit cowardly. Geez, if you’re a Republican, get out there and put your views out there as well as your brand and suck it up. It’s pretty pathetic when one has to go to the Mass.gov site (!) to find out what the guy’s party affiliation is.