In these awsome economic times, especially for the real working man’s unions like the AFL-CIO (not to be confused with the Mass Alliance completely out front socialist unions), Slobby Bobby Haynes has taken union dues $$$ and bought a self-serving awsome fun Red Sox Labor Day weekend for him, his family, and friends. An expensive Red Sox radio advertising packagefor Labor Day weekend gets the union radio ads for 3 hours a day for three days on one station in each New England market.
But that’s not all. It also includes Bobby throwing out the first pitch, tons of tickets for friends, on the field hob nobbing and pictures with some players, probably a before game catered reception with an old ball player or two showing up, and perhaps a luxury box to watch the game from. Bobby also gets to hang in the broadcast booth with Joe Castig for an inning or two.
All this for a shit load more money then the radio ads are worth.
I wonder what kind of real ad campaign could have been bought for the same money.
Bobby Haynes has forgotten why he is there. He’s using members hard earned money to pay for great family memories.Complete with autographs and pctures and videos to so the memories won’t fade.
Man of the people my ass.
I would have to know more before signing on. After all, having been suckered by Edwards, I am slower to hop on the bus – so – Ernie – more info, please.
Nothing wrong with it. Advertiser pays a huge premium which is for associaltion with sports team – this gives brand credibility – and all the extras like tix etc which help a business because in theory they give them to clients and other that help the business. Mostly it is clients and execs and family and friend taking advantage of the perks.
p>Nothing wrong with that for a private business.
p>3 Boston Red Sox games radio ads are not how a huge national instituion gets a message out.
p>AFL-CIO and govbt agencies like Mass Port and Non profits like Beth Israel should not be spending their ad dollars here.
…not being a native or a sports type person, I am still having trouble understanding what the beef is. I have never BEEN to a Red Sox game, for example and rarely even know when they are.
If you want to promote the union, you buy ads.
p>Or, you can pay twice as much, get the exact same ads — but also get a lot of PERSONAL perks (that come from your member dues).
p>Electeds do this, too. Tim Cahilll can either promote the lottery with taxpayer money, or pay twice as much to promote the lottery PLUS promote himself, plus get lots of free tix for pals, plus get on TV, etc.
less ads. Not the exact same.
p>This is not a bitch against the sox. Good for them and the marketing guy that sold it to Haynes. If Haynes used union money to buy a Rolls Royce we wouldn’t be mad at the Rolld Royce dealer.
… extra’s in an otherwise necessary business transaction, I’d keep the extra’s for the organization and use them as prizes in a raffle or contest or something.
a fraction of the money and buy the same extras for the raffles mr. lynne.
The DSC needs to keep a cordial and collaborative relationship with union leadership. Share the Big Tent but not the Big Bed. Union leadership does not belong on the Party Leadership Elected Officials short list.
p>The MTA leadership supported the pathetic casino bill that had no mitigation for education funds. Sheesh!