And I’m ALREADY pissed off about the Republicans. Jeff Lieber started me thinking and I haven’t stopped. Because YOU KNOW IT’S FUCKING TRUE.
Here we all are, paying APPROPRIATE TRIBUTE to John fucking McCain and his honourable fucking service to his country, and the horrific tortures he underwent in Vietnam…
And all I can think about now is what the goddamned Republicans would do to him if he were the Democratic nominee. The purple fucking bandaids they’d be parading around at their convention, mocking that service and that torture. The talk radio blowhards’ belittling and questioning of his being shot down.
And, in a personal parallel, I think of my father, and what might have happened to HIM, had he survived and gone into politics as a Democrat. The SAME FUCKING THING that happened to John Kerry, that’s what. And the same fucking thing that WOULD happen to John McCain if HE were a Democrat — the thing that HE CANNOT or WILL NOT see, that his TOTAL LACK of empathy allows him to ignore.
They are fucking SCUM, these goddamned so-called “conservatives.” These motherfucking REPUBLICANS. They will waltz into Minneapolis or St. Paul — which is it, anyway? — and they will puff up their faux-patriotic chests and call themselves “lovers of country” and think THEMSELVES the TRUE PATRIOTS — all the while HATING HALF OF AMERICA.
And the Democrats in Denver will have stood to attention during the raising of the flag and the singing of the National Anthem and the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance — and they will have bowed their heads and nodded solemnly – AND SINCERELY — while Democratic politician after Democratic politican reminded them and the national audience that John McCain DOES love his country and DID serve his country honourably and suffer terribly for her…
And next week HORDES of “conservative” Republicans will JEER and LAUGH at Democrats and BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA and his RADICAL WIFE — those FOREIGN, WEIRD, BLACK BLACK BLACK LEFTISTS — and MOCK their LIBERAL, QUEER, UNAMERICAN-NESS and their LIBERAL, QUEER, UNAMERICAN supporters…
And the fucking corporate media will lap it up and stoke the flames and goddamn if half this motherfucking country will go to the polls and vote for John motherfucking McCain and the party of HATE.
maryscott-oconnor says
There it is.
mike-in-mi says
so what.
maryscott-oconnor says
On ice cream.
johnd says
maryscott-oconnor says
Bitterness builds…
p>Eventually it has to come out.
p>I’m so fucking tired of being bitter…
p>And afraid to hope.
kbusch says
maryscott-oconnor says
this is… a good thing?
p>: )
maryscott-oconnor says
I’ve read through his posts.
p>He’s a lightweight compared to me.
p>Kid needs SEASONING.
johnd says
kbusch says
johnd says
Here’s a fair question. I firmly believe that we tax people enough in this country and provides ample money to get the job done, on all levels of government services. But I also believe the problem is “How we spend it”. I also don’t think I’m alone on the conservative side when I say this. I have ZERO allegiance to lobbyists, defense contractors, unions or any other group trying to steal from the government. I hate waste and overspending.
p>The problem is, how do we fix it? Today I was driving to Cambridge and passed a few “overpass” projects which have been going on FOREVER (years). I see the same police officers doing details, I sit in traffic burning gas at the traffic delays and the contractors must be making big bucks and appear to be in no hurry to finish the job. I think these wasteful projects (not the need, but the management and burdensome requirements such as details…) are the tip of the iceberg of state gov waste. I also think you could fire every third State worker and suffer ZERO reduction in services. Every nickel spent on this waste, pension waste, bloated beurocrcy… is a nickel not being spent on schools, energy research/incentives…
p>Again, how do we fix these issues? I think addressing these types of things would go a long way to bringing the partisan and ideologic groups closer together.
gary says
p>There is no fixing it. Each politician goes to the seat of Government, whether it’s Town, City, State or Federal, with the sole purpose of bringing money back to his home. He wants to bring back money; constituents want him to bring back money.
p>Only economic catastrophe can interrupt this, or revolution as envision by Jefferson who wrote that the occassional revolution was necessary to shake out the bureaucrats.
p>In Mass, the dot com bust slowed the cash and slowed the growth of government, but it was short lived. Government will inexorably grow to a tipping point, where it will quickly contract, then start again.
kbusch says
and they are just as uninteresting as yours.
johnd says
You have no thoughts on my questions. Are they too pragmatic and don’t involve higher level brain functions? These are real issues and as I said many are the kinds of issues which divide us as a nation, state, city or neighborhood. It seems to me that working together on these things will encourage working on larger issues. Without fixing these structural issues there is NO AMOUNT of raised taxes or revenue that will not be simply swallowed whole by our governments (Fed/State/local).
p>Do be lazy or a coward.
kbusch says
You just have various impressions.
p>You’re not offering an unusual eye witness account. You’re not offering an illuminating new analysis. You’re not offering new evidence or relevant data. I could counter with my “impressions” too. If we were friends having a chat, yes, we would compare impressions but, in this context, I’ll wait until something substantial arrives.
p>The question of what to do with the civil service is a serious one. I don’t pretend to understand it well enough. I don’t understand the alternatives. I have my own pet theories about how to fix it, but I’d want to know more before I tread into an area about which I’m ignorant.
p>But, please, don’t let such qualms stop you.
gary says
That was like a movie trailer from the Exorist.
cadmium says
like now, we have to dig out of major setbacks.
We never know if we have gone too far to come back. The only way to know is if you give up–then you know you have gone too far in the wrong direction.
p>ps: I agree the corporate media is malignant