Some people live a lifetime and never witness the kind of moment we did last night. I never thought I would; I thought reading about those moments in history books and having been born shortly after a few of them was as close to them as I would ever get.
Certainly, after the degradation of the past eight years, the terrible dissipation and usurpation of our collective energy and optimism that the current Administration’s crimes and misdemeanours, I truly believed a mere 24 hours ago that I had no more true hope left in me. That what was left was bitterness, rage and the cynicism of dashed hopes and betrayed ideals. Even the disappointed promise of Bill Clinton’s Administration contributed to it; after all, did not those final ruinous months of that Administration add at least somewhat to the chaotic events that led to the catastrophic Bush/Cheney years?
But something happened on the way to the funeral for my Hope, and please, forgive me as I employ perhaps an over-effusive metaphor or two here…
I’m not saying the man is going to save the world or even the country. He isn’t Jesus or Gandhi or Martin Luther King, Jr. — though if comparisons were to be drawn, closer to the latter than either of the others.
What Barack is, when push comes to shove — and he did a lot of rhetorical pushing and shoving last night, halle-fuckin’-lujah — is the most masterful speaker (and given that he wrote that speech, that makes him the most masterful writer and perhaps thinker, as well) I’ve seen in my lifetime; and with talents like that, untested though he may be on the greater stage, I’m willing to wager everything I’ve got that he just might be one of the more masterful politicians we all may have seen in our lifetimes.
Scoff at that title if you like, but it’s nothing at which to sneeze. Great artists and theoreticians and scientists achieve great things over time, but so do the great politicians. And as many note time and again with each day that passes in this political season, we stand at the edge of a new, raw era; the hands that grasp the helm of this vessel in which we all sit and guide its direction hold massive power. I, for one, am impressed that Barack Obama holds within him not only the strength to wrest that helm from the forces amassed against him but the instinct and judgement to steer a sound course — and surround himself with those who would provide a surplus of wise and widely-varied advice when warranted.
As individuals, we face a choice between despair and hope. Less than two days ago, I was ready to pack it in and do my best to stop caring altogether, rather than feel one more day of wretched, bitter rage and despair over the seemingly irreversible course of inexorable deterioration of this country. The politics of division and ignorance and fear that have dominated us for so long have worn me down to a dull, aching, throbbing, open wound of a human being.
The thought of opening my heart and mind to the possibility of a new beginning — President Obama? Change? Could it happen? Could Election Day arrive and…? And having it all dashed to pieces the way it did that Tuesday in November 2004… Ah, christ. It hurt SO BAD. I just couldn’t FACE it again, man.
But last night… That SPEECH. That CROWD. All those faces, those flags, that music, the lights, the laughter… And they were all clapping.
Yeah. I believe.
In spite of it all.
Oh, god, please please please please please please please.
Okay. I choose hope.
maryscott-oconnor says
johnd says
maybe we never would have had to read your verbal diarrhea again. Shit!
johnt001 says
Disagree on policy issues, disagree on social issues, disagree any way you want – but quit being insulting.
maryscott-oconnor says
Did I kill your dog in a former life?
maryscott-oconnor says
That’s one helluvan ironic tagline.
johnt001 says
…for a new tagline for John. Here’s one:
kbusch says
Excuse JohnD, he loves poopy references so much! Perhaps he can elevate it to the level of art.
johnd says
JohnT… insulting? Again, are you serious?
p>Mary Queen of Scotts… No dog killed. You just left yourself open for a zap… nothing personal. And my tag line is obviously sarcastic. I’ll be posting soon about blacks at Harvard and Black runners in the Olympics.
p>JohnT… Proud Republican but hardly ingorant.
p>KB… poopy references… did you check out her rant? Even I don’t talk like that.
gary says
John motherf****** McCain
p>Seriously, 3 words for her. Thor a zine.
maryscott-oconnor says
Proofread before claiming non-ignorance.
p>I just love it when gentlemen chide me about my language.
johnd says
As for chiding you, I really don’t give a flying fuck what kind of language you use. I myself started on this blog speaking “real” and have received some “guidance not to use the gutter language or “poopy” language. So my comments on your initial comment was aimed at your profanity (since I get so much shit) and your ranting run-of-the-mouth diatribe (which makes me believe you have serious mental issues and should be at least monitored and at best incarcerated).
p>Otherwise, being a former merchant marine, offensive language in a venue like this is ok with me.
kbusch says
We’re evaluating you.
johnd says
Evaluating for… acceptance, instability, ignorance, substance, wit, ideology, eloquence… for what??????
kbusch says
Acceptance Needs to get along better with othersInstabilityFairly stable except when in doo-dooIgnoranceLacks motivation to improve knowledge. Makes frequent appeals to have standards lowered standards on his behalf.SubstanceExcellent aggregator from Boston Globe, otherwise tends to rely overly on impressions and current prejudices.WitNot up to grade level but showing signs of improvementIdeologyIncurable wingnut with incapacity to understand moonbat point of viewEloquenceWrites in excessive haste. Needs to reduce quantity to achieve better quality. Occasionally shows promise.
gary says
I’ll chide you.
p>Profanity is stupid. It shows your ignorance. You can’t find an appropriate word so you attempt to shock someone by using the word “fuck”. How common, mundane and lazy. Buy a thesaurus. Impress with an iota of creativity.
maryscott-oconnor says