Hi All:
I just received a notice in the mail from my present State Representative Willie Mae Allen that promotes a fundraiser for her on September 3rd. 2008. It states that the special guest will be Governor Deval Patrick. What gives?
Far from being a leader in the legislature, Representative Allen has forwarded no original legislation since her election in 2006, and has not made any effort to do door to door since getting her nomination papers signed several months ago.
My district deserves better, and I have endorsed her opponent, Kathy Gabriel for State Representative in my district (6th Suffolk) which is comprised of parts of Dorchester, Mattapan, Hyde Park and Roslindale. She has made a commitment to forwarding legislation to raise the minimum mandatory sentence for carrying an unlicensed gun in Massachusetts to two years, increase state funding for low and moderate income homeowners to install environmentally friendly power generation units (e.g. solar panels, wind power generators)& will forward initiatives to help create jobs here in the Commonwealth.
Lastly,the governor should remember who his friends have been. Kathy Gabriel worked tirelessly for Barack Obama earlier this year when Willie Mae Allen had endorsed Hillary Clinton. He should also realize that I worked diligently for him in his final election, coordinating phonebanks and organizing get out the vote efforts in Roslindale on Election Day in 2006 while Willie Mae Allen did nothing. How soon they forget!
Respectfully Submitted,
Wayne J. Wilson, Jr.
but protecting incumbents – no matter how mediocre. I feel for you and your candidate, Wayne – but it is, what it is.
I don’t know what your status is in your community, but I too was a regional coordinator for the Governor and I don’t expect him to necessarily follow my advice on whom to support. I especially object to your last paragraph suggesting that an endorsement for State Rep. on the Governor’s part shoud hinge on presidential support. They are two separate races and each should be decided on its merits. If the Governor did go in to the mode of only supporting Obama supports and opposing Clinton supporters that would strike me as petty. I believe the Governor is a bigger man than that.
p>It seems to me that if you have an ally, you might want to back that person up. Governor Patrick, like State Representative Willie Mae Allen has not done anything really important while in public office since January of 2007. My support for him if he decides to run for re-election will not be forthcoming.
p>I did notice during the last campaign that the Patrick camp did not have anyone who was willing to coordinate their phonebank at the Painters’ Union District Council #35 office in Roslindale except for yours truly. I didn’t see anyone from Mayor Menino’s organization lift a finger in that regard.
Wayne Wilson
p>P.S. Governor Patrick, How about forwarding legislation indexing the minimun wage here in the Commonwealth to the rate of inflation? We are losing population in droves because people can’t afford to live here.