One only wishes War Criminal and Treasonists George Bush and Dick Cheney understood these things. Clearly, the dimwits don’t care about anyone else’s lives except their own.
The Republicans certainly don’t mind aiding and abbetting them in destroying our national security.
No wonder why more and more Republicans are endorsing Obama!
Please share widely!
HERE is a magazine article from 2003. The OSS connection is even on the PBS web site!
p>MORE surprising is Kennedy biographer and liberal apologist Arthur Schliesinger, Jr. Who knew?
p>BTW – are you also calling Kennedy, Johnson, Carter and Clinton “War Criminal and Treasonists”? What nonsense. The records were sealed for a period of time, and are now open. Or are you saying that Obama would ‘out’ these people as spies?
on Iran and their nuclear prolif.
It looks about even on who’s endorsing whom
p> Party Identification: Unsurprisingly, most Democrats prefer Obama (+72) and most Republicans favor McCain (+71).
crossing over.
p>Your link includes all of them. However if you just list the ones who have LONG BEEN HELD IN HIGH ESTEEM…THOSE are endorsing Obama!
and that is not true, it’s basically even how many party members are crossing ranks.