What John R. Buonomo did in abusing the public trust was reprehensible. But on the scale of crimes it’s petty, and non-violent. What Jim Marzilli did was beyond reprehensible, was violent, and put people at risk of physical harm. Why then can Buonomo be put on administrative leave without pay and Marzilli still be allowed to collect a check and not show up to work.
The argument against stripping Marzilli of his pay was that he was elected and you couldn’t do that to an elected official. Well John R. Buonomo is elected and the following is currently happening:
First elected in 2000, Buonomo has been placed on unpaid administrative leave, pending the outcome of the case, according to Joan Kenney, a trial court spokeswoman.
How does that happen, and why hasn’t it happened to Marzilli?
It’s interesting – they’re both elected officials in their own right, so neither can be forced to resign; I imagine that it’s the judge who has discretion to act.
p>The rough analogy would be the President of the Senate – and I admit, I AM puzzled as to why Marzilli hasn’t been stripped of his chairmanship, which is entirely within her gift.
PP may be correct about it being a judge, though in principle I don’t believe an elected official answers to anyone but the people except if eligible for legislative impeachment.
and put them all on unpaid administrative leave! Wow, that was easy.
as you must know, but with the difference between the county executive versus the state’s legislature. (The former is actually constituted by act of the latter.)
p>Perhaps you could concoct some analogous administrative process to act against accused legislators (which would require a constitutional amendment), but would it really be a good idea? Not just for this case, but in general, I mean.
p>Note that, as a constituent and past supporter of Jim Marzilli, I think he ought to resign. Doing so would show remorse and honor his previous career of public service. I just wouldn’t flatten all the laws in Massachusetts to force him to do quit.
He could be stripped as PP says of his chairmanship. That is in Terry Murray’ purview. Why hasn’t that happened?
It should have happened the moment he said he wasn’t coming back to work. Perhaps she had political reasons unrelated to Marzilli for keeping that post vacant.
as in unfillable, that is.