Senator Susan Fargo (D-3rd Middlesex) has a repeat challenger. Sandi Martinez (R) lost to Fargo 2 years ago, but is back for another round. Not living in the district, I would have been unaware of this if I hadn’t received a fundraising email at the address I signed up with the MA anti-lgbt orgs. Fargo’s challenger certainly knows their lingo. Check it out:
Only career politicians would waste their efforts repealing the “1913” law
(including an addendum that would make a petition drive nearly impossible), while allowing Jessica’s Law to be watered-down, thus protecting lawyers and child predators. (Yes, many of these legislators are lawyers).
Oh those filthy lawyers! Why, the anti-lgbt gang would never produce any of their own! Which “love” org do you suppose gave her my email address?
Re-elect Senator Susan Fargo, 3rd Middlesex
Sen Fargo is right
For example,
McCain’s campaign strategies
The intersection of politics & pop culture
How politics affects the tourist industry
Solid waste reduction strategies
Legal grey areas
Candidates, and their propensity for incongruous positions
Candidates, and their stances on choice and sex education
Republican sexual hypocrites
How history is used and abused in political campaigns
Compare/contrast US Senatorial candidates for MA
Bush’s strange inability to admit mistakes
Immigration policy and the meaning of American citizenship
p>And that’s just the 1st page of my diaries. You can view them all here. As for you, Pater Familias, you appear to talk about nothing whatsoever.
p>Thank you for your query.
From what I hear if she had her way she would outlaw Hallowe’en due to that holiday’s association with witches, devils, etc. I ran into someone I know at the Chelmsford July 4th parade last time around. He was marching with Martinez and told me we have to fight back against the “threat” of an insidious “gay agenda”. He ranted about how “those people” want to push their agenda onto the rest of society and, most offensive, our children. To this I replied (sarcastically of course), “I know, the NERVE of some people wanting to be treated equally!” This came as a shock because this person is someone I know from a non-political context and I never had reason to know his views on anything. I know this attitude is out there, but I can probably count on the fingers of one hand the people I know personally who believe this.
About a year and a half ago, KnowThyNeighbor attended VoteOnMarriage meetings across the state for basicly “fact-finding” purposes. VoteOnMarriage was purposefully renting space in public libraries which I believed was part of their “groundswell of public support against same-sex marriage” schtick. What they didn’t anticipate was that since they were conducting meetings in “public” space then their meetings were “open to the public” and these libraries and towns welcomed KnowThyNeighbor to attend.
p>Sandi Martinez was the “leader” of most of these meetings. Of course the majority of attendees were older people and Martinez preyed on them with lies and vitriol, demonizing LGBT to the degree that we rarely saw. Martinez opened the meetings with the “the gays are infiltrating the schools and indoctrinating children” and then “in Canada, you know, they are arresting priests and dragging them down from the pulpit for mentioning homosexuality, do you want that to happen here?” She has that “sweet” Christian Right manner and between her smiles came the worst of the fear tactics and lies imagineable.
p>The most amazing part was that she did this all knowing that KnowThyNeighbor was their–because we introduced ourselves to the meeting attendees at the beginning.
I was wondering where the heck it came from, but that must be it….I signed up for the VoteonMarriage subscription as well to know what they’re up to.