Here’s from Barack’s site via Daily Kos:
Let me just say that this rebuttal is definitely a piece of work in itself. It is exhaustive. The whole book is basically one big lie (as if we didnt know that already). Here are some excerpts from the PDF.
LIE: “Nowhere in the autobiography does Obama disclose that his wife-to-be accompanied him to Africa on the 1992 trip.” [p 25]
Obama: “After Our Engagement, I Took Michelle To Kenya…” Obama wrote in Dreams, “After our engagement, I took Michelle to Kenya to meet the other half of my family. She was an immediate success there as well, in part because the number of Luo words in her vocabulary very soon surpassed mine. We had a fine time in Alego, helping Auma on a film project of hers, listening to more of Granny’s stories, meeting relatives
I’d missed the first time around.” [Dreams, p 439]LIE: “The funding memo listed seventy-two top individuals and organizations allegedly contributing to Odinga’s presidential campaign, including over $1 million from ‘Friends of Senator BO,’widely interpreted as friends of Senator Barack Obama…” [pp 115-116]
Politifact: The Claim That Obama Contributed $1 Million To Odinga “Are As Baseless As Anything You’ve Read From An Anonymous Blogger” And Earned A Rating Of “Pants On Fire” Wrong. “A chain e-mail that originates with a letter from American missionaries working in Kenya warns about Sen. Barack
Obama’s ties to Kenya and its opposition party, encouraging readers ‘not to be taken in by those that are promoting him.’ Among the many allegations is one about Obama’s ties to Kenyan Prime Minister Raila Odinga: ‘Obama under ‘friends of Obama’ gave almost a million dollars to the (Kenya) opposition campaign who just happened to be his cousin, Raila Odinga, who is a socialist trained in East Germany.’ The e-mail reads like a bad game of ‘telephone,’ its claims drawn from assorted people and sources that have been stitched together. And yet, because it is signed by real people, who have a life in Africa, it somehow carries more credence than your average blog posting – and it’s spreading rapidly. But even with the credibility of a real author, the claims in this e-mail are as baseless as anything you’ve read from an anonymous blogger.”LIE: “No one in Obama’s paternal or maternal family had ever resided in Chicago.” [p 123]
Obama’s Great-Uncle Charlie Payne Left Kansas For The Army And Returned For College; Payne Attended Graduate School At The University Of Chicago And Stayed, Retiring As The Assistant Director Of Their Library. The AP reported, “During the war, home was Augusta, a small town in central Kansas. Payne had enlisted in 1943 along with most of his high school graduating class. He served in a mortar squad, then a communications squad rigging telephone lines. After the war, Payne went to college in Kansas on the GI Bill and then to graduate school at the University of Chicago, where Obama would later lecture on constitutional law. He later became interested in computers and how they could be used in libraries. He retired at age 70 as assistant director of the University of Chicago’s library.” [AP, 7/24/08]
And then today, John Kerry has started a site to get the liars out of the system from state level elections all the way up to the Presidency.
I found this link on Daily Kos as well.
The despicable, vile, wretched Swift Liar Jerome Corsi just released a book smearing Obama. Indicative of how the Swift Liars are able to leverage their capacity to distort is this: a book, written by a known liar, filled with known lies is atop The New York Times Best-Sellers List for nonfiction. Swift Liar becomes “best-selling author” and is given a platform by the news media to promote lies.
Sound familiar? Read on…
The despicable, vile, wretched Swift Liar Jerome Corsi just released a book smearing Obama. Indicative of how the Swift Liars are able to leverage their capacity to distort is this: a book, written by a known liar, filled with known lies is atop The New York Times Best-Sellers List for nonfiction. Swift Liar becomes “best-selling author” and is given a platform by the news media to promote lies.
In the Colorado Senate race, Swift Liar Bob Perry, who anted up $4.45 million to the group in 2004, is funding a smear campaign against Democratic candidate Mark Udall.
By all indications, things are about to get nasty. With despicable characters like Perry ready to throw millions into smear campaigns, Democrats need to mount a coordinated effort to fight these well-funded, and often insidious, GOP attack groups.
That effort is, a site launched by John Kerry to counter the imminent onslaught of attacks by right-wing lie peddlers.
The objective: a grassroots-level rapid response effort to build a knowledge resource to arm people with the truth to fight back against the smear merchants.
The goal: more elected Democrats.
Here is an excerpt from an e-mail Kerry sent introducing the site:
We’re launching a new website that empowers you to fight back across the country in ways no campaign has attempted. It’s called, and we can use all the help you can give.
By signing up, you’ll stay on top of what the rightwing is doing and help fight for the truth. And you can report smears when you see them to keep us on track on what the smear machine is up to at every moment. You will be our eyes and ears.
We know the game, we’ve learned some things, and we have a fired up movement of activists like no party has had in decades, all networked together with great Internet tools.
So sign up to help. This is a massive undertaking, so we need your help to pull it off:
You can’t just play defense against smears, pointing out how they aren’t true. You’ve got to play offense, too, exposing the whole cynical game for what it is: an attempt to keep us from talking about the real issues and ultimately changing our country for the better.
So ultimately, Barack and Kerry have both come out against swiftboating with their boxing gloves on. They’re asking for all of us to JOIN THEM and FIGHT BACK.
We can not continue to let LIARS dictate the direction of our country. We can not continue to let Republican Public Relation businesses steal the future from our children.
Check it out.
cadmium says
The smears are repeated on talk shows all over the country . Their planted supporters come out like clockwork on radio and blogs like flies to manure. This is a small effort in comparison to what we are up against but it has to keep coming. It was great to see Bob Beckel kick back at Jerome Corsi the other night and Kerry push back against john Kyl last week.
cougar says…
beachmom says
against the smear book. So far I think it is working. Even the AP has come out with an article fact checking the book, and basically saying it is full of lies.
p>However, we’re not out of the woods yet. We need to keep fighting it every day and squashing any notion that there is anything to his trashy book. Unfortunately, it and another anti-Obama book were displayed prominently at Borders on Wednesday. I think it is beneath any bookstore to act like that crap is in league with even a Nora Roberts novel. Obviously, the Right’s powerful paid millions of dollars to promote this book. The only reason it is #1 on the Times bestseller is because of these expensive promotions and the big guns buying the book in bulk to drive up the numbers.
p>But all the money in the world can’t change the fact that Corsi is a slime dog who can’t write a real book.
tim-little says
‘BUR’s Here and Now had a piece a couple of weeks ago of a phenomenon known as “source amnesia”:
p>It’s a fascinating conversation, with some very disturbing implications — especially as it deals specifically with some of the lies being launched against Obama.
p>If this is true, then it may not matter how much Obama or the MSM calls Corsi et al to account: Once the falsehoods about have been released into the public consciousness, they’ll be awfully hard to erase (particularly when the lies confirm previous biases).
p>There’s no alternative to fighting lies with truth — as Kerry ’04 clearly demonstrated — but I question the efficacy. What’s one to do?
tim-little says
… Of course the GOP has proven itself proficient at this sort of psychological warfare over the years.
cougar says
silver-blue says
The Obama camp is doing great pushback on Corsi’s slime. I think (hope) that Corsi gets his comeuppance this time.
p>The TruthFightsBack site looks good – simple and well-organized. It’s good that they are documenting and debunking smears against other Dems too, not just Obama.
cougar says
And I pray my in laws will stop supporting those lying Republicans.