Weather forecasters are predicting a Category 3 Hurricane named Gustov will hit the Louisiana,and the Gulf Coast on Monday just as george bush is speaking before the Republicrats Convention.
Looks like weather history may repeat itself. Katrina was three years ago this week.
Guess, the higher powers are saying, “Don’t Fool With Mother Nature You Fools.”
The “Winds of Change” are coming and it looks like the Republicrats can do nothing to stop it.
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For the sake of the people who live down there, I hope this doesn’t happen. They don’t need this on top of Katrina – not that any other region does need it, but I hope they get a break.
p>Also, the forecast margin of error that far away is huge. The storm could be anywhere in the central to eastern Gulf or even as far inland as the Tennessee border by Monday.
Yeah, it would mean Mother Nature is a Republicrat or a bigot or both. ‘-)
instead of Kathleen Blanco. The people of Louisiana spoke with a loud voice recently when they elected Bobby Jindal. They showed they knew that a majority of the blame for the poor response to Katrina belonged on the hands of their local and state officials.
p>Bobby Jindal will react appropriately to this oncoming storm. Mark my word there won’t be parking lots full of buses that could have brought people to safety.
…are still stuck with C. Ray Nagin, incompetence personified.
p>But I am bitter and digress.
p>Say what you will about his exorcisms, but Gov. Jindal’s optimism and vision go a long way to inspire hope in Louisianans. This country needs millions more politicians like him, regardless of party designation.
The problem is not a the state level but at the federal level. Bush the fool is still in the White House. So, anything can happen. Maybe Bushie can use those old toxic mobile trailers after all.
it is the responsibility of the state and local governmetnts to be the frontline in natural disasters. Not the federal government. That is the true story of Katrina.
Crap !
But that doesn’t absolve the federal government from it’s extreme mismanagement of the situation.
Tells the President, we don’t want or need your help. What is he supposed to do? Because that’s what Blanco told Bush when he offered troops initially to help.
p>I’m sick of how the left has portrayed this. The majority of the blame for the mismanagement falls on the laps of Blanco and Nagin. The Federal government augments and builds upon a foundation. In Katrina’s case the foundation was built on eggshells.
Listen, I am in no way trying to exculpate Nagin and Blanco, but let’s be clear: Bush was warned of the posibility of the potential disaster of the levees topping [then lied claiming “I don’t think anyone anticipated the breach of the levees” – see the AP link below] starting on on August 28th, the day before landfall to FEMA and local officials:
p>Why would he say this if the government was preparing to help? And why wasn’t this help executed properly?
p>Also, Bush ordered FEMA to help three days before the hurricane struck:
p>FEMA Chief Michael Chertoff assumed control of federal, state, and local operations on August 30, the day after Katrina’s land fall. The federal govenment had ownership of the problem from that day. Who besides the federal government could tackle such a disaster like Katrina? You expect LA, MS, etc to go it alone?
p>The people were told day after day after day the Federal Government was coming to help. But they didn’t. FEMA was managed in a disgustingly negligent manner. Bush appointed the hacks Brown and Chertoff. Bush should have been a leader and cut through all the crap. You’ve said before that, “It is not the responsibility of the federal government to protect people from a historical natural disaster”. Sorry, but it is.
p>FEMA’s own website says:
p>Wikipedia puts it another way when it says, “FEMA’s purpose is to coordinate the response to a disaster which has occurred in the United States and which overwhelms the resources of local and state authorities.”
p>AP Video and MSNBC report.
p>Yes, Nagin and Blanco deserve blame, but the failures and missed oppurtunities by the federal government is sickening. We can get the millitary to drop water into tsunami ravaged Asia quicker than NOLA? That should be criminal. The ultimate blame lies on the federal government’s lack of preparedness and the Bush administration, because American citizens were in need and the administration had the resources and authority to amiliorate the situation and they did not deploy those resources.
p>If helping the people brutalized by Katrina isn’t “homeland security”, a federal priority, then homeland security does not and will not ever exist.
p>If Republicans want to talk about Responsibility, it’s time they start taking Responsibility for their failures instead of shifting blame to non-Republicans. Let’s start with Katrina.
Blanco telling Bush, I don’t need your help, do you not understand. Bush couldn’t get troops into NOLA to help, because Blanco would not sign the order authorizing it. If Bush would have just brought them in, the same people criticizing him for not doing more sooner, would have been up in arms about the overreach of legal authority. he was in a no win situation.
p>Yes FEMA sucked, but it is a Federal organization with no appreciation for the terrain, customs or logistics necessary for individual locales. FEMAs role was to coordinate the response. When you don’t have local authorities that are competent how the hell do you expect to coordinate them. Bush takes far to much of the blame for this. Yes he deserves some, but the majority of the blame should be on Nagin and Blanco. If Jindal had been governor then it would have been a much different outcome.