My name is Sasha Kaufmann, and I am the Field Director for the Patrick McCabe for state representative campaign. We are running against Paul Donato in the September 16th Democratic primary for State Representative for Medford and Malden.
We need a change in leadership for Medford and Malden to someone who shares our values. Patrick McCabe stands up for working families, protects a woman’s right to chose, and will fight for universal healthcare. He is in favor of marriage equality and stem cell research. The incumbent, Rep. Paul Donato, has led the charge against all of these.
The progressive community is uniting behind our campaign, with endorsements including:
Planned parenthood Advocacy Fund of MA
NARAL Prochoice Massachusetts
Teamsters local 25
Democracy for America
GALLAN (Gay and Lesbian labor action network)
National Organization for Woman (NOW), MA Chapter
Painters District Council 35
Stonewall Democrats of MA
Despite this impressive list, we can only put this district in progressive hands if we have your help!
We canvasses and lit drop every night from 530-830, and weekends starting at 10am.
We also have phone banks every Monday night at 544 Main Street in Charlestown right by the Sullivan Sq T.
If you can not donate your time at this crucial point in the campaign, we also gratefully accept financial contributions. Running a primary challenge against a member of house leadership takes money! You can donate via our website here:…
If you can help, please contact McCabe Campaign HQ at 781-874-1224 or
Think globally, act locally
-Sasha Kaufmann
Field Director, McCabe Committee
Sasha- Isn’t Jim Carilis in this race as well. I would suggest that BMGers in Medford/Malden check out Jim as an alternative to Rep. Donato
… can always have someone post a diary for his campaign on his own, as well. He is another alternative to Donato, not “an” alternative. In any case, it would be wise not to split the progressive vote in the primary, which promoting two candidates could easily do, allowing Donato to squeak by for another term, and probably until he’s ready to retire.
Both Rep Donato and Patrick Mccabe attended an interview with the Greater Boston Central Labor Council’s Political Committee and McCabe attended the GBCLC membership meeting as well to explain his reasons for running and talk about his grassroots campaign.
p>Carilis didn’t attend nor did he answer the Massachusetts AFL-CIO candidates’ questionnaire.
p>I’ve seen McCabe and even Donato endorsements from activists and grassroots organizations but nothing for Carilis. Can’t see how his is a creditable campaign.
p>McCabe managed to stop a Labor endorsement of a State Rep in the Speaker’s leadership team.
p>There really is only one alternative to Rep. Donato -Patrick McCabe.
p>Disclaimer: my union has proudly endorsed Patrick McCabe
He’s articulate and impressive. Wish I lived in his district and could vote for him.
articulate? Angry man screaming at a Medford City Hall debate demanding an apology and blaming the incumbent for the price of gas. If that’s articulate, Bean in the ‘Burbs, one must wonder what ‘burbs and what bean!
p>”Creepy” and “wrapped up” are two words people have been using in reference to Mr. McCabe.
I did meet the the AFL-CIO. I stated clearly to them that I didn’t support bringing casino gambling or slot machines at race tracks. Now I will concede that they are far from a one issue organization, but really, enough with the naiveté. What stopped rep donato from getting the endorsement was his opposition to casinos. What is surprising is that the one candidate that does support casinos didn’t get their endorsement.
p>I’m going to assume you are not from Medford or Malden and as such I suggest you take a drive though Medford and Malden to answer the credibility question.
p>And yes I know candidates are not supposed to mix it up, they are not supposed to tell you what they think on controversial issues and as long as that trend continues we will never see the kind of change we need.