It’s been an interesting week and Hillary Clinton has been outfoxing Obama along the way. I’m very struck by the following question that has been playing in my mind all week, “Is Hillary Clinton plotting to steal the nomination from Barack Obama?”
First this week we get the news in The Atlantic that some in Hillary Clinton’s camp wanted to paint Obama as unAmerican. Well didn’t they just do that by allowing The Atlantic to run the story? Now, as Michael Goodwin has said, Obama has blinked and allowed a roll call to be held for Hillary.
With a roll call all bets are off. It is while improbable not impossible for Hillary to somehow come out on top. Who knows what is going to come out in the next week or so before the convention? Mark my word, Hillary will be behind something. The Clintons’ don’t take well to losing. It’s going to be an interesting 10 days leading up to the Convention. That’s for sure.
Watch out for those PUMA’s.
obama is the presumptive nominee, but he isn’t the nominee. not yet, anyway. same goes for mccain.
p>btw, i enjoyed huckabees recent plea for mccain to choose a pro-life vp, after which he shot down his own rivals romney & ridge. huckabee coudn’t have been any more obvious if he had stuck his hand in the air and yelled “ooh ooh pick me! pick me!”
what happens if you hold a convention and no one shows up?
p>Are you going, EaBo? Maybe you can breathe some life into the old event.
I got my shiny invite too late to raise money to blog. I actually have an obligation to the Young Republican’s to be at our coinciding spring board meeting. I have a proxy going.
p>On the Tom Cole thing, he is absolutely right. Congressional Candidates or U.S. Senate candidates should be going to the convention, EVER. Their time is much better spent campaigning at home. IMHO.
i’ve always assumed that where pols spend those days depends on what they’re campaigning for. if they are a repub in mass and the state house is the height of their ambition then yup, they’d probably best stay in district and keep hard at it. but if they’re someone with a reasonably safe seat, someone not up for reelection this november or someone with an eye on a higher office or appointment, the national convention is where they’ll want to go to
audition for higher placesschmooze. i would think this would be the case no matter the party affiliation.<
p>But your whole scenario is nothing but a Republican wet dream.
I was trying to see what all the hype about Hope was. With a little of my own.
p>Also, Bush announces total withdrawal from Iraq, Jeff Beaty is 25 points ahead of Kerry in the polls, and it turns out Larry Craig and John Edwards have been celibate for the last 8 years (it was all just a series of misunderstandings).
To me anyway. Be careful Barackians.
but the nomination??!? Nope, I don’t think so. Also, one must bear in mind that the Republlicans have a long, long history of being far better organized and more united than the Democrats, which is why the Republlicans managed to steal 2 Presidential elections in a row out from under the Democrats. The Democrats, on the other hand, aren’t that well-organized, and they don’t have a Karl Rove to make such a thing happening possible.