The “liberal media” has done a pathetic job of reporting on McCain’s close ties to a man who can only be described as a traitor to his country. Pat Buchanan goes in detail describing McCain’s chief foreign policy advisor Randy Scheunemann in his latest column.
Exhibit A:
Scheunemann’s resume as a War Party apparatchik is lengthy. He signed the PNAC (Project for the New American Century) letter to President Clinton urging war on Iraq, four years before 9-11. He signed the PNAC ultimatum to Bush, nine days after 9-11, threatening him with political reprisal if he did not go to war against Iraq. He was executive director of the “Committee for the Liberation of Iraq,” a propaganda front for Ahmad Chalabi and his pack of liars who deceived us into war.
Exhibit B:
From January 2007 to March 2008, the McCain campaign paid Scheunemann $70,000–pocket change compared to the $290,000 his Orion Strategies banked in those same 15 months from the Georgian regime of Mikheil Saakashvili.
What were Mikheil’s marching orders to Tbilisi’s man in Washington? Get Georgia a NATO war guarantee. Get America committed to fight Russia, if necessary, on behalf of Georgia.
Hopefully the “liberal media” will take the time to make at least some mention of this.
Nothing here indicates levying war against the United States or giving aid and comfort to the enemies thereof.
An agent of a foreign power maneuvering us into war with Russia on behalf of Georgia is ok with you?
p>The McCain kool-aid drinkers have a limitless ability for self deception.
p>Imagine the outrage if Obama had an agent of any foreign government on his staff – even one that wasn’t busy earning his foreign paycheck trying to put American troops on the front lines of someone else’s war.
p>This is what patriotism means for McCain followers, love of McCain not of country.
… legal point of view I’m not sure it actually fits. I’m not an expert, but I doubt that it’s illegal to talk to foreign governments and advocate for them in certain policy areas. Even trying to engineer your own private foreign policy is likely not illegal or we’d have all the neocons in jail by now. All of that absent specific laws about interacting with governments that have passed (a la Cuba for example). I’d also suspect there are probably laws having to do with ‘interference’, but I doubt one could argue that in this case because the administration’s stance was so close to Scheunemann’s in the first place.
Only the Federal Goverment has that right, on behalf of the whole nation, to make treaties and pacts and agreements with foreign governments. States cannot, but people can talk to foreign governments and advocate for them.
p>Apparently we don’t care when Massachusetts violates the Constitution by negotiating trade agreements with China.
that McCain is soft and being manipulated by foreign governments and their american mercenaries. that i find completely believable. “treason” is a lot harder to prove and it isn’t necessary.
Speaking of traitors, what about that Bill Ayers and his group of trustfund sociopaths.
the paid agent of a foreign government, as is McCain’s Scheunemann?
seems more like he’s using Georgia to serve our interests with Russia, not being manipulated by Georgia. The fact that Georgia pays that guy doesn’t mean he puts their interests above his own, or what he thinks is the US interests.
However, it does appear that a key McCain advisor has been engaged in trying to maneuver the United States and NATO into a direct shooting war with Russia–Russia!– over South Ossetia. Russia, which is deriving its new-found power from oil and a near-alliance with fellow oil power Iran.
p>The degree to which the Bush administration has weakened the United States and strengthened our adversaries is simply astounding. Russia is now simply calling Bush’s bluff, and Iran is sure to follow soon enough.
p>And McCain’s electoral strategy is to pretend that what has happened did not happen. This is beyond reckless at this point.
p>Nice fancy new comment box, BTW.