The Bush administration has left an inheritance of a devastated domestic economy, the worst excesses in deficit spending ever seen in this country – and an international situation where our armed forces are over extended, our diplomatic alliances have been weakened, and we are seen as unreliable bullies over seas. Joe Biden is the right Vice President for these difficult times.
For Biden’s entire statement on Georgia from 8/18/08:…
For Biden’s website:
Joe Biden’s Myspace page:…
[I have never signed on as anyone’s “myspace friend”, don’t have a myspace page myself – anyone want to either e-mail me or post on the pros and cons of Myspace pages?]
For more background on Biden:…
Joe Biden, in decades of public life has made friends, and made enemies – but one thing is for sure, Joe Biden has stayed himself. He is no one’s fool, no stalking horse, and ready and willing to step up, take the heat, and go anywhere he is needed.
Also, having labored in the fields of diplomacy all those years, Joe knows just how much is at risk in Georgia and the Caucasus. For what it is worth, AmberPaw is pleased and believes that Obama showed his own self-confidence in choosing a running mate who is at least his equal.
Not that I can see.…
p>Bob Barr is the only candidate advocating for a different foreign policy.…