Via McSweeneys:
(JOHN EDWARDS is in a Manhattan bar, talking to himself. Sad.)
I’m running for president,
The highest office in the land.
Look, I’m right there in the mirror,
Smoothing my hair down with my hand.I am handsome. Yes, it’s true.
And I am wealthy: that’s true, too.
But superficial things like that,
Well, they’re just not where I’m at.You see, I care about the poor.
I often fret about their plight.
I adore the way I look
In this smoky barroom light.(RIELLE HUNTER spots JOHN EDWARDS at the bar and approaches him.)
Hi, I’m Lisa.
I mean Rielle.
Will you take me
Well, I never.
I’m shocked and dismayed.
My wife and children
Would feel betrayed.
Plus, there’s a special circumstance:
My wife has cancer. It’s advanced.(JOHN EDWARDS’s phone rings.)
What? That’s great.
The hand of fate
Has relaxed its stranglehold.
God’s mercy should be extolled.(JOHN EDWARDS hangs up his phone.)
Oh, wait, now she’s in remission.
I guess that means I have permission.
There’s plenty more.
David, any chance you can sing this at your Obama concert? You’d bring down the house!
I’m really not into saying much more than that because the situation is hurtful to so many people and the actions have consequences beyond just JRE, Elizabeth, and Lisa.
isn’t aimed at the adulterer who is actually a candidate. What shall we call the McCain muscial?
Fly Boy Night?
Johhny’s Trollop Trot? (or is that what he contracted after one of his flings?)
he had affairs with lobbyists including the one recently where his campaign officials had to blatantly discuss keeping her away from him.
p>I’ll look for a link unless someone else already knows her name and has the link.
p>Screw the lobbyists! About time.
intentionally pick people who they know will have that type of impact.…
perhaps the difference between innuendo and evidence is lost, but here’s a quote from your link:
p>Doesn’t the story remind you so much of Clinton/Lewinsky though? Its like they couldn’t be creative enough to come up with something new.
p>Anyhoo, let us know when you’ve got her testifying to cigar-penetration or have hold of a semen stained dress, K?
p>It should be an interesting comparison.
p>Monica only gave out “favors” and created no legislation.
p>But the lobbyists working for McCain’s campaign want to get something from McCain while f******g all of us.
p>I’ll take the cigar lady-thank you very much. Having been f****d these past eight years by hooks and crooks, I’d say enough is enough.