Clip 2: John Kerry on his legislative record. Senator Kerry responds to a comment about the distortion of his record by his opponents. This clip is from a Kerry On Your Corner event in Worcester on Monday (8/18/08).
Clip 3: John Kerry answers a question about the heating oil problem and LIHEAP, something that he’s done a lot on in previous years as well as this year. Attending these events, I was struck by the difference between the kinds of things some of us like to argue about on blogs — big questions of war and peace and defending the Constitution — and the urgent concerns most people had about everyday practicalities. I was also struck by the fact that the Senator seemed just as at home talking about these nuts-and-bolts issues of infrastructure and economics as he did talking about the situation in the Middle East and so forth. In any case, at almost every event this week, someone asked what was being done about the heating oil problem, and the Senator had several specifics. This clip is from an event in Leominster on Monday, 8/18.
I got halfway through the first video (great quality, btw!) but I have to go back to work.
p>I’m looking forward to watching the rest later. đŸ™‚
a comment or anything to add. Thanks nice work — I have yet to be able to pay much attention this summer.
I especially liked the Q & A with voters.
Thanks for filming and posting for those of us who can’t be there!