For the past two years I’ve also been working closely with a group called Energize America at – energy matters are near a dear to my heart, and to Kay’s heart as well. She speaks our language, most notable with the “Energy security is national security” meme that we support at From Kay’s web site:
Energy security requires stemming the flow of money to oil rich regimes that are hostile to America and its allies. Americans want to be able to meet their energy needs without supporting despotic governments that aid the terrorists who target us. America’s future security also demands combating climate change by developing the next generation of clean energy sources.
Of course, the national security aspect is but one of the multitude of reasons why America should be leading the charge on renewable energy, and Kay gets that as well:
America is failing to keep pace with the ever-greening global economy. We have the talent and the ingenuity; we just need to harness it. Our foreign competitors are racing ahead of us in key environmental and energy technologies, in large part because of concerted government efforts abroad. Notably:
Companies in Europe produce 65 percent of the world’s wind power. [Frost and Sullivan release, 4/7/08]
Germany and Japan are world leaders in solar cell production. [Newsweek, 4/21/08]
Brazil is the global leader in the use of renewable fuels, such as ethanol and biodiesel, and a global leader in the generation of electricity from renewable sources, mainly through hydroelectric power. [Biofuel Industry in Brazil, Energy Business Reports, Feb 2008]
America’s entrepreneurs and innovators can develop the next generation of energy technologies and create new green collar jobs.
Please purchase a ticket and come to Boston on 9/15 – I’ll be driving in from the Milford area if anyone wants to carpool. If you can’t afford a ticket, please consider a smaller donation at my ActBlue page:…
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