Yesterday’s Herald was wall to wall kick the crap out of Judge Ernest Murphy, the same judge that showed by clear and convincing evidence that the Herald libeled him. Media mogul Pat Purcell (one lousy tabloid and one ugly billboard on the side of a highway) was forced to pay the multi-million dollar judgment.
Purcell’s relentless attack on Murphy since Murphy kicked his ass and exposed his paper as the piece of shit it is shows what a real immature, unbecoming, lame, spoiled, cry baby, rich kid, pussy, asshole he is.
He is more of a jerk than are the people that think they have hit the lottery because the two douche bags put their name in that high school gossip column Purcell uses as his “power base”.
If you want to know how lame Boston is then read about the narcissistic George Regan high school loser types that dominate that page.
Embarrassing if anything.
Ernie asks: Why is Boston so lame?
p>1. You can’t take a leak in Green Monster without people getting all pissed off
p>2. Dan Conley jab goes here
p>3. You can’t kidnap your own kid without an Amber alert
p>4. The Bruins
An EBIII poll ain’t an EBIII poll without “teacher’s unions” or “Larry Lucchino”
because Murphy said “tell her it’s time to move on” or some such thing instead of “tell her to get over it”? I guess that’s why so many bloggers disposed to fiercely guarding their anonymnity- a libel judgment like that could pack a real punch for a kid living in Mom’s basement and trying to exercise his right to free speech. It was a sketchy verdict/judgment, and Murphy appears to be pretty much an a-hole, and the prospect of Boston being a one-paper town and a couple hundred guys getting laid off is nothing to celebrate, in my opinion.
Not that I’m a fan of Purcell, either.
I doubt it.
p>the blatant lies and errors committed by the Herald Reporter. “ell her to get over it” is much different than the every day “she has to get over it” said in the industry known as criminal law.
p>Journalism as a profession is a joke.
p>You don’t need a license for it. (like you do to be a barber or plumber or to sell milk)
p>Yet journalists get protections no other industry gets. Then they want more with the phony shield law.
p>Does it bother you Farnkoff that you do not know who I am?
p>Oh, poor little boy.
p>Why do you care?
p>So my name is John Smith. How does effect my opinion? How does it effect your opinion of me?
p>Is this the critical thinking they taught you at Bosotn Latin and U of Chicago? Attack the messenger when you don’t agree? As a socila worker we know it is easy to fool uneducated poor “clients”. But it don’t work with me.
p>Grow up Farnkoff you self-rightous socilaist fraud.
I wasn’t even attacking you. Settle down before somebody kicks your ass.