An enthusiastic group of Burlington progressives gathered last night to meet Ken Donnelly and learn about his campaign for the 4th Middlesex senate seat. Ken impressed the group with his public service resume and experience with the legislative process. He also won over the group with his strong focus on the three “E’s” of concern to progressive Democrats – education, the economy and the environment.
On a personal note, as I watched Ken talk with people, I was impressed by how closely he listens. He’s not one of those politicians who half-listens while really waiting to talk to the next person.
People left the meeting ready to get to work to make sure Ken is our next state senator.
Disclosure: I’m volunteering for Donnelly’s campaign.
I like him…..
What makes Ken Donnelly special is his ability to frame a highly progressive agenda so it resonates with working class voters. He will be a great senator.
bull shit the people and hide his true socialist colors.
Why do progressives insist on adding that extra umph in their candidates?
p>You know, like the man was unlike most mortals. Donnely “closely listens”.
p>Big freakin deal. I’d rather talk about the far lefty do what the teachers’ unions and Masss Alliance says to do agenda.
p>Earth to far lefty wing nut progressives socialists.
p>You are not better then the rest of us.
We just have an appreciation for finer adjectives.
I consider him effective, hard working, and willing to take personal responsibility. Nothing personal against “the other guy” – I determined that I personally would prefer to be represented by Ken and that he has a better understanding of the child welfare and access to justice issues.
Can anyone name for me 1 accomplishment Ken Donnelly has on his resume in regards to any of those three issues?
Young Liberal has hit the issue square on. Donnelly’s resume doesn’t show an interest in any of the E’s (Education, Economy, and Environment) until he decided to run. Try not to confuse Donnelly’s public service with political public service experience. He is no more qualified in politics as the public servant who picks up my garbage every week. He has worked hard to help people, like my garbage man, but doesn’t have a political or public issue resume to qualify him for this position.
I like Hurd because he has created educational initiatives (specifically created Special Ed programs) and has committed himself to youth recreational activities,he has made Arlington one of the top 10 economically rated communities in Massachusetts, and his environmental stances are identical to Donnelly’s. He has political experience and has a proven record of working toward the goals he has laid out. Donnelly really has no non-special interest record to go on.
p>On a similar note, check this out..…
p>Out of Donnelly’s $134,000 in donations he received when he ran against Marzilli, 94% came from outside the district; some of it from places like DC,CA,and Texas. He is a special interest candidate and that frightens me more than anything.