The latest in our series of video profiles of interesting people we run into here at the convention. Melissa Diaz is a student at Columbia University, a former student of BMG’s own Bob, and a passionate Obama supporter who has far better access to the convention than any of us. She has lots to say to young voters, Hispanic voters, and about her own future. Here she is.
Please share widely!
(Geek that I am) What are you using to put in the text and credits in the videos, since you’re trying to get these up as soon as possible?
Pretty fun, huh? đŸ˜€
I suppose it’s not available for PCs…
p>I may have to consider a low-end Mac for my laptop (in like 20 years when I can finally afford to have a blogging machine separate from my business PC. Blegh.).
p>I’ve been doing some serious training in Final Cut Pro at LTC this summer, so pretty soon I will be doing some cool video stuff. Unfortunately I don’t have a video camera, though once I take the field camera class I’ll be able to sign out LTC’s nifty equipment. đŸ˜€
p>I am also conducting a one night training at LTC for Basic Blogging. I figure that’s one thing I really have some expertise in at this point…
p>Off the off topic, Tweedy is a larding idiot. I hear him in the background on the teevee. Good lord can’t we get MSNBC to cancel his a*s?