Bill Gwatney, the Chairman of the Arkansas Democratic Party, was fatally shot this afternoon at state party HQ. The CNN article is here. Let’s keep his family and our fellow Democrats in Arkansas in our thoughts and prayers.
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Reality-based commentary on politics.
leaves me speechless.
Unfortunately, there’s a lot of crazies out there.
p>And after what happened in Tennessee, I’ve got a bad feeling the hyped up rhetoric of people like Bill O’Reilly and Michelle Malkin and Rush Limbaugh could be taken too seriously by some of these crazies. Irresponsible rightwingers like Limbaugh have been promoted by the most powerful Republican leaders (the past 2 GOP Presidents, for starters).
p>Examples of How Right Wingers Play with Death Threats:
O’Reilly: “I don’t want to go on a lynching party against Michelle Obama unless there’s evidence, hard facts, that say this is how the woman really feels”
p>Hannity: “This is the moment to say that there are things in life worth fighting and dying for and one of ’em is making sure Nancy Pelosi doesn’t become the speaker.”
p>If that was worth dying for in 2006, imagine how threatened some of these crazies will feel with a Democrat solidly leading in the race for the White House.
…makes no mention of the killer’s political affiliations or leanings.
Seems to me he might have been an unemployed guy who just blamed Gwatney for his lot.
p>But then, who knows? Maybe he was a hate radio listening wingnut.
p>Nice rant.
The Gwatney family is famous (around Little Rock) for owning a car dealership… not a Target. The Arkansas Times reports the killer wasn’t a Gwatney employee.
p>I don’t see why the guy who gets fired from Target gets on the interstate and drives 30 minutes to shoot the top Democrat in the state.
I also make no reflexive assumptions about his politics, given that I have no rational basis on which to base them.
p>given the facts behind the motive — precisely none — it’s at least as likely that he drove 30 minutes to shoot a car salesman as it was that he drove 30 minute to shoot a democrat.
He drove to the Democratic Party Headquarters.
HEREis a compendium of remarks from Air America circa 2005; there is no reason to think that progressive discourse has grown less hate filled since then, especially as it touches on Cheney and Rice.
p>I joked on Ryan’s blog that I hoped he’d write me a nice obituary if somebody influenced by Al Franken’s books takes me out at the convention in Minneapolis – but that is less funny, given some warnings I’ve been sent about plans by ELF and other affiliated groups.
p>I really despair about the demagoguery that has grasped American political discourse.
of a leftwinger in America assassinating a Republican?
p>I can’t recall one, but maybe you can remember.
…like THIS.
p>There HAVE been more GOP presidents assinated than Democrats, with the most recent attempt against Bush made in 2005, but to date none have been successful.
p>John Wilkes Booth comes to mind.
Pray tell, how were slavery and secession left-wing positions?
… how today’s GOP would have received a politician like Lincoln.
While we all have our political and ideological persuasions, I think there is a time for plain old sympathy and sadness. This American, be he Democrat or Republican was killed by some maniac. Gwatney was yet another innocent victim of crime and should not be used by anyone on any side to further their agenda.
p>His murderer is dead and at least will not kill again. I couldn’t find any specified name/address… for donations but if it becomes available it might be good to post here. He is survived by his wife, 2 daughters and 2 step-daughters.
It’s a sad reflection on the state of some people’s political minds when its takes about 5 seconds for them to connect a tragic murder to right wing radio and the people who listen to it. Murderers are murderers and victims are victims. Leave the partisan bs out of this.
Arkansas Times on what the police took from his home:
That’s a lot of weaponry for someone taking Effexor.