Frankly, I’d keep some of your emotional powder dry for the defense of Obama when the negative ads start on (a) his 20 year membership in Trinity United Church of Christ and association with Rev. Jeremiah Wright, (b) Obama’s association with “unrepentant Weather Underground terrorist bomber” Bill Ayers, co-founder of the $49 million Chicago Annenberg Challenge education program whose chairman of the board was Barak Obama, and (c) his 2003 vote in the IL senate against a bill banning the killing of fetuses who have survived abortions.
While it’s not as if any of these topics are necessarily campaign killers for Obama, his suppression/spinning/denial of the stories is and will be very damaging. He needs to “come clean” and discuss them openly, not deny and obfuscate, especially his board of directors and political affiliation with Ayers (and SDS convicted criminal bomber-wife Bernadette Dorn) which he has repeatedly spun as casual.
None of these topics will sit well with the majority of voters. If mistakes in judgment were made, he can admit them. Sooner the better.
I think in retrospect chasing an Alaskan Troopergate story will seem a wasteful diversion by comparison.
charley-on-the-mta says
The fact that we’ve been on about a 48-hour Palin bender has not escaped the editors’ notice. đŸ˜‰
p>Anyway, I don’t particularly feel “defensive” about it … in fact, I think it’s been because frankly, we smell blood in the water.
p>I think that implying some impropriety to Obama’s “association” with Ayers will wash out as exactly that — guilt by association. Gosh, he served on a board with him? Must be because Obama has terrorist sympathies. I mean, whatever. We already know those conservative talking points, since they’ve been out for months.
p>Anyway, appreciate the nudge. You’re right about the emphasis, and that’ll change today.
mr-lynne says
… first presidential decision a candidate makes is the pick for VP. Given the ‘blood in the water’ on the most important commander in chief decision of the GOP candidate, combined with the positively Bushian ‘never admit a mistake’ response to criticism, makes the Palin pick arguably the top story of the moment politically. As such, the attention is not surprising.
bostonshepherd says
It’s the overwhelming fingernails-on-the-blackboard tone of the posts that makes it unseemly, and so un-BMG. It’s the journalistic equivalent of running crazed through the woods with chainsaws … see JohnT001 below.
johnt001 says
Here’s the definitive list of problems for Sarah Palin – it’s huge:
p>And no, the list does not include any references to her baby with Down’s Syndrome.
bostonshepherd says
Most of the links link back to dailykos,, thinkprogress, etc., i.e., making your own news by quoting yourself. Anybody can do that. Additionally, 90% of the 101 problems are too wonky for most voters to understand/follow/give a damn.
p>”#32 Her selection has angered Romney & Pawlenty” is a scandal? Who could care about this?
p>”#76 She’s opposed to universal health care” is a publicized policy position, not opposition research.
p>But let’s see what the Mainstream Media picks up and runs with … since they’re in the can for BHO, they’ll push almost any story over and over, no matter how silly. 3 front page stories in today’s NYT on Bristol Palin? That’s 50 column inches NOT about Obama. Excellent.
p>Furthermore, is the Palins’s out-of-wedlock teen pregnancy story going to alienate folks — even evangelicals — or simply highlight that Sarah Palin IS middle America, just like them? I think the latter.
p>I know you guys are smelling blood in the water. It’s called chum.
johnt001 says
Abstinence only sex-education doesn’t work.
demredsox says
How much more “openly” do you want Obama to discuss Ayers?