As Massachusetts Republican govs go, I’ll take Jane Swift over the Mittster any day. I think that by and large, she actually believed what she was saying.
Now that she’s on McCain’s alleged “truth” squad, she’s lost her credibility. From Jake Tapper’s blog —…
It was pointed out to Swift that, after the line about the pig, Obama had said, “You can wrap an old fish in a piece of paper called ‘change,’ it’s still gonna stink after eight years.”
Swift then suggested that Obama was calling McCain a fish.
“I have a fourth-grader and two second-graders at home,” she said. “I would not teach them that this is sort of a high-minded debate on policy issues when they are calling people rotten old fish or a pig. In fact, it sounds a lot like some of the least intelligent debates on the playground sound like at our elementary school.”
A reporter then reminded Swift that in December, McCain was asked about criticisms coming his way from then-opponent Gov. Mitt Romney, R-Mass., and McCain replied, “Never get into a wrestling match with a pig. You both get dirty, and the pig likes it.”
Was McCain calling Romney a pig? a reporter asked Swift.
Of course not, Swift said
What’s next. Obama using “She” for Palin and the McCain campaign claiming it is sexist?
p>Coming from the party that opposed the ERA, it is totally stupid.
no matter who the subject of their comments are… what is Joe saying now?????
Of course primary rivals try to distinguish themselves from each other. Of course they all play for the same team in the general. Oh, the horror, the scandal! I believe I heard every Democratic candidate in the early primaries say at one point or another that any one of them would be better than any Republican.
p>So, in the interest of full disclosure and your penchant for calling out “hypocrites”, should George HW Bush have continued to deride Reagan’s program as “voodoo economics” even after they formed a ticket? You will recall that this ticket turned out to be quite successful electorally.
then let’s say that. But why call me out on it while the original post here was ignored by you?
p>BTW, I am not quite so ready to throw out primary comments, made publicly and often in the very large limelight of public scrutiny as being “distinguishing themselves”. It’s one thing for someone to say, “I’m better than…” and then later support them. It’s another thing to say someone “has a poor record… is not ready to lead…” and then say they have a great record and they are ready to serve. That’ an outright lie!!!!
Races are tough and elbows are thrown. They all said any one of them would be better than any Republican. I supported Clinton over Obama because by comparison I wasn’t sure he was ready. Frankly, I STILL have concerns in that department, but based on all the factors, especially regarding the direction I want the country to go I’ll take Obama over McCain any day. You need to look at the totality of factors and for me the pro/con balance weighs heavily in favor of Obama. Remember, primary contests are also about electability so those concerns are brought up, but once we get a nominee you need to consider actual issues.