- Nominations are only officially accepted from liberals (though others are welcome).
- Nominations can consist of either a comment or a whole thread contributed by a conservative here.
- You must disagree with the comment! Too easy and no fair awarding conservatives points for not being conservative.
- The comment must have been made between September 1 and October 15 (the cut-off point).
- Ironic nominations of bad comments will be met with thunderbolts of disapproval from the judges. Please keep it positive.
Please share widely!
amicus says
Just askin.
kbusch says
I cannot simultaneously satisfy both criteria 3 and 4 on your comments.
lodger says
It seems they can’t win, lose, or vote. I think they’re often those with the most insightful comments and threads.
I say let ’em vote.
p>Disclosure:You know I’m from the dark side, right there with Teddy Roosevelt and Bill Weld.
centralmassdad says
I think that independents are often regarded here as conservatives in denial.
kbusch says
Is there a problem with independent trolls? Has Goldstein Gone Wild found a way of doing snark-by-numbers?
jack12 says
If they are made, they are bombarded by “0’s to 3’s.
p>Be honest. Any opposing view regardless of its factual content is rejected and seldom debated in earnest. Let’s face it , sixes on a conservative post never happen so why create this Award farce?
Here, comments are award winning as long as everyone agrees with them. The rating system here says it all with 6s and backslaps to those who do the best bash job and zeros to those who present a dissenting argument.Perhaps a more realistic scale would be 0= completely disagree to 6= totally agree which would be a heck of a lot more objective than 3= worthless or 0 = delete ( read censor).
The current rating system is a juvenile farce. In full disclosure, I announced myself here as a conservative. None the less I expect zeros for this post for stating my honest opinion or perhaps, account termination for pissing off the clique who, no doubt will invoke the “troll”( meaning anyone you disagree with) mantra.
p>Whatever, if you prefer an echo chamber to honest and respectful debate then so be it. Enjoy yourselves.
kbusch says
A phrase in frequent use by Tom’s Opinion? Do you know him? You two are very similar.
centralmassdad says
Just cause you say it is so, doesn’t make it so.
p>I’m aware of at least two posters that I perceive to be conservative, gary and Peter Porcupine, who are not zeroed even in some heated arguments, and who are routinely engaged in discussions in which I learn something from the debate.
p>Are they sometimes pilloried? Yes. Sometimes unfairly? Yes. For being ideologically incorrect? Yes. Its the internet. Grow a thick skin, or waste your time watching TV instead.
p>From what I have witnessed, the most consistently pilloried “conservatives” here can only be described with the scare quotes, because they (i) call themselves “conservative”, (ii) are not conservative, and (iii) have no clue what “conservative” even means beyond what some dope on the radio tells them.
p>I consider this a feature, not a bug, of the blog, and an advantage that it has over its RedMassGroup sister, on which woofing is the general state of things, and which is therefore not much worth any investment of time.
kbusch says
With CentralMassDad more than anyone else, I’ve often wanted to mark a comment as excellent even though I’ve disagreed with it. If this forum aims to promote some degree of ideological diversity, we need a way of praising and valuing those with whom we disagree. The current ratings system cannot express that. As we all tend to take negative ratings (or even the lack of positive ratings) personally, it would be gentler to those open to discussion if they could get positive feedback for disagreeing well.
p>CentralMassDad, though, is too anti-ideological to be called a conservative (I think I’m being fair here), but I’d say that I have been challenged by gary. Geo999 always enters discussions very well-prepared though I wish he were less caustic. JoeTS is often thoughtful. Unfortunately, Peter Porcupine’s best writing here is in the past and her best current writing is still on her blog where she makes clever, witty, even elegant use of her persona.
p>To take one example, I might nominate a comment from JoeTS. It was marred by a bit of snark between Laurel and him, but JoeTS dug up Susan Anthony’s opposition to abortion. I’m ardently pro-choice, but that’s an admirable kind of knowing-what-you’re-talking-about and an interesting addition to the discussion.
centralmassdad says
I love you too. Frames and all.
huh says
Aren’t you the guy who posted this over on RMG?
p>After reading Ass monkey’s rant, I contacted Soapblox and let them know that their new software feature “assclown block” was not working properly here. They apologized and explained that their database of left wing loon assclowns was so vast ,that not all the assclowns had been loaded into their assclown detection software module. They said “thanks for your patience”.
p>and this
p>It’s called “selected reality” ..a left wing mental condition whereby any indisputable FACTS and reality that do not support their irrational position are either denied or omitted from their presentation.
p>I’m not hearing a love of opposing positions… In fact, if memory serves, last time around you actually threatened KBusch.
jack12 says
Are you the guy that posted this offensive rant on RMG under the incredibly offensive and disrespectful alias handle of “Red Ass Monkey”? If garbage like this was posted here by a conservative they’d be booted in 10 seconds and you know it.
Is ass monkey an assclown? Ya better believe it. The two 5’s by the way are from visiting trolls Laurel and CSI. RMG posters seldom use the ratings because they know its juvenile crap.
Real classy post eh?
p>Best yet! (5.00 / 2)
This may be the all time best thread yet on this board.
You must be the same people who said Bill Clinton would take all your guns and money away and give your daughters to the black man. Instead, all ya got was prosperity.
p>Obama maniacs! Yeah, thats’ your average Democrat is, a raving maniac who wants to take away your rights.
p>Bunch of macho clowns, compensating for your lack of you-know-what with all your talk of your Real Big Guns. Scared to freaking death of us wussy Dems. But all ready to shoot your fellow Americans.
p>Thankfully, you freaks–because the folks on this board are by and large are really out there on the fringe–are not in the least representative of your party or of America.
p>In large part because most of America can write a coherent sentence. Sheesh. Most illegal immigrants can write better English than you English Only! types. But that, to, is typical of the Scared Shitless Dumbfuck Lower mIddle CLass White Male.
p>Ya’ll need to get some, ya know? Spend some time getting down with some REAL live women, and you’ll be less inclined to spend all your time engaging in homoerotic ranting to your fellow Dungeons-‘n-Dragon types about how ya scared the liberal with your Long Hard Pistol.
p>Any pussy can pull a gun. Only real pussies brag about it.
p>by: Red Mass Monkey @ Mon Sep 29, 2008 at 15:41:51 PM CDT
huh says
You, however, are definitely the Jack responsible for the quotes I cited. You announced it in your return post here.
p>Not to put too fine a point on it, but neither of your quotes reference RAM — they’re about shutting up liberals, period. You did forget to mention that RAMs post was in response to a thread discussing (among other things) pulling guns on liberals.
p>As to ratings, I believe EaBo has boasted about the improved system over there. I can’t comment.
jack12 says
While stalking me, did you discover that I posted that I don’t like carrot cake on the Julie Child thread 2 years ago..gessh get a life.
You also forgot to mention that no reference was made to pulling guns on liberals. That’s a lie. “Strawberry” said he pointed one at some criminal that he caught vandalizing his motorcycle in the night. and again I ask How long would a “Blue Ass Monkey ” handle be tolerated here?
Grow up and show a little class and respect.
p>Initial post
Hi to all.
p>I posted a similar message to this on RMG and am looking forward to intelligent exchanges on both sites.
p>I have been reading both RMG and BMG for quite some time and recently thought I might toss in my 2 cents (post/reply) on both threads .
p>Full disclosure Jack:
p>64 years old/retired
posting “Jack” on RMG
Politics: conservative -(registered Independent)
kbusch says
And over a year ago Tom’s Opinion aka Asa Bearce was 62 years old, a veteran, and a conservative disappointed with the Republicans.
p>You’re the same person.
p>You make the same misspellings like “Hilary”.
p>You use the same words like “echo chamber” and “assclown”.
johnd says
My nomination is for Mike from Norwell.
p>Many on this page, myself included, get caught up in the surface of most arguments and get carried away with the “talking points”. Most accuse the other side of using talking points and then go on to sound their party’s talking points.
p>Almost every post from Mike is clearly stated, full of facts, full of knowledge and usually void of snarks. Mike seems to have a great financial/accounting which during these times is very helpful.
p>I don’t know if he has ever said he was conservative but he sounds like he’s a realist on financial issues (which almost makes him a conservative IMO).
gary says
My nomination, were I eligible goes to GGW, in this thread.
p>To summarize, it was a dark and stormy night…then, a shot rang out, an attack on right wing talk show comments by Michael Savage. The food fight progressed through the thread, with GGW having (’til now?), the last word:
p>Subtle, no acrimony and the last word. Sadly lacking adequate cow-bell, regardless, my nomination.
kbusch says
In this exchange, gary does a number of things well: