AL Franken has a real shot at winning a seat in U. S. Senate. We need evey seat that we can pick up in this crucial year. And for the special “activist price” of $125 you can meet Al when he is at the Charles Hotel in Cambridge on Thursday. The event is September 18 at 6:00 PM and for those who are actively volunteering on a Democratic campaign for U. S. Senate you can join us for that price.
I’ve lobbied to make events with candidates from across the country accessible to those who volunteer on campaigns. It speaks to the value of our grassroots work that the activist price has been offered.
You can sign up to attend at the campaign site or donate through my ActBlue page. If you can’t come to the event and want to support Al that would be great. Money that I raise on my ActBlue page for Al Franken I can use to cover others who may want to attend, but are not in a position to cover even the “activist price.” Please contact me at KateDonaghue AT aol DOT com for more information.
Some of you saw Al at the Convention in Denver. If you heard him at the delegate breakfast, you know that he is candidate that we should be seriously supporting.
Al Franken writes …
Exciting news just coming out of Minnesota… and, no, I don’t mean the Republican Convention last week. Tuesday night, I won the Democratic primary for US Senate and received over 30,000 more votes than Republican incumbent Norm Coleman received in his primary! And the most recent poll on the race shows that I have a commanding one-point lead — with your help, I’m sure we can double that! Minnesotans are ready for change — and President Obama’s going to need a bunch more Democratic Senators who have his back when he takes office. I know I can win this race — but I need your help.
Thanks for you support. I’m trying to raise $2500. Please help me meet this goal. Thanks! Kate
But! Why is Al Franken looking to MA? He can’t raise $2500 in MN? I’m not jewish, but this ain’t kosher.
The $2500 is my personal individual goal. It is not the goal for the whole fundraiser.
p>Al Franken has been very generous to Massachusetts Democrats. Al keynoted the Roosevelt Dinner in 2006. It raised a great deal of money for the Democratic Party which was used to help elect Deval Patrick. You may recall that this support was critical in the immediate post primary days two years ago.
p>The event is defintely “east” for me. How did you know where I live? đŸ˜‰
I love Franken from way back. As a comedian I mean.
p>I keep thinking of all the comedy material he must be acquiring in his run. And also all the wise crack lines that he has had to bite his tongue on.
p>And the sport jacket made an appearance.
p>Good Double punch Charley.
Actually, I feel like Al needs to pull his comedic punches a lot less. Humor is great in politics — it draws people in, it illuminates absurdity, and we’ve sure got a lot of that these days.
p>And yes, I wore the jacket all week. Gotta get my money’s worth.
…raising money from people who can’t vote for him instead of canvassing voters in the state where he is running. Al’s confirming his dpointy-headed liberal status for the MN voters – I only wish he could be in Arlington, too, although Cambridge DOES have a better-known ‘brand’.
Aren’t you thinking of Dan Ackroyd and his cone head? Anyhow, I’d really be interested in your take on the Palin choice – give it to us with both barrels, we can take it.