quotes about the show…
“A welcome reminder of a time when comedy cut a lot closer to the issues of the day than most comics now dare.” – Dallas Morning News
“A highlight.” – The New York Times
Event on Facebook: http://www.new.facebook.com/ev…
Event on Internet: http://upcoming.yahoo.com/even…
Check out this wonderful piece in the Boston Globe about Jeff, Myq and Baratunde.
And I’m in the Boston Phoenix Dance Monkey column:
I hope yall can make it. We want to fire the troops up!!
Baratunde Thurston is the co-founder of Jack & Jill Politics. Please check out the new Voter Suppression Wiki. He lives in NYC where he works as web and politics editor at The Onion.
…Will Brownsberger and his opponent “back when”?
also moderated debates between pat jehlen and dane baird back in 2004
Sponsored by the Somerville News, at the Independent in Union Square? Where Baird said that Jehlen had never had a job?
Mostly I remember that the Independent claimed to have a salad with goat cheese on it, but the goat cheese was nowhere to be found.
I placed my order. My sweet wife and her obnoxious husband will be there. The show had better be good.
p>BMG readers: I dare you to be there, too!