The Committee to Elect Tom O’Brien is pleased to announce the following endorsements in the democratic primary for Plymouth County Treasurer.
“Tom O’Brien has been a responsible leader on the issues important to my district and the Plymouth County area for many years and I am happy to support his candidacy for Plymouth County Treasurer.”
Congressman Barney Frank, D-MA, 4th District
“Tom is the kind of person who gets things done, and he is superb at fostering a spirit of cooperation among local elected and appointed officials all across Plymouth County. He is a capable, bright, and energetic public servant who deserves our vote.”
Congressman William Delahunt, D-MA, 10th District
“Tom O’Brien has an outstanding record of achievement in public service and commitment to his constituents. I served with Tom in the Massachusetts legislature and I have seen firsthand the energy and dedication with which he serves his constituents. As Plymouth County Treasurer, Tom has continued to serve with integrity and to bring innovation to that office. My friend Tom O’Brien is a dedicated public servant and I am proud to support and endorse his candidacy for Plymouth County Treasurer in the Democratic primary on September 16th.”
Congressman Stephen F. Lynch, D-MA, 9th District
“Tom O’Brien has been an outstanding treasurer for the past two years and he was an outstanding legislator for 10 years before that. Tom is a man of character, a dedicated public servant. He has the qualifications, the background, and the experience, necessary to serve as your treasurer; and as Treasurer, Tom has made substantive and positive changes in the County.”
p>Senate President Therese Murray, D-Plymouth
I like this site. I actually enjoy reading the commmentaries here. But why do you so enjoy giving imprimaturs to each other and your think-alikes? Surely you do not need political hacks or wacky lefties like Delahunt to do your thinking for you?
Painters DC #35 endorsed Tom O’Brien for re-election early on and is working on his behalf.
p>DC #35 hasn’t forgotten Tom’s great record on working family issues when he was a State Representative
that have endorsed Tom O’Brien are:
Massachusetts Retirees Association
Massachusetts Laborers District Council
Professional Firefighters of Massachusetts
IBEW Local 223
UFCW Local 1445
Iron Workers Local 7 ALF-CIO
Roofers and Waterproofers Local Union 33
Plymouth Bristol Central Labor Council AFL-CIO
All you have done is reinforce my statement that you can’t think for yourself. Who really cares what these groups think???? Whose interests are they representing?
Constituents and supporters of esteemed leaders and legislators, members of unions, people who support what these individuals an groups stand for.
I did receive an email from the O’Brien campaign that his Democratic challenger, Tim McMullen, came out in favor of Question One. I would love to see this in a non-campaign source, as it…well…boggles the mind.
McMullen expressed his support for Question One live at a debate, I believe at the League of Women Voters’ sponsored forum in Plymouth.
You seem to want more information than just endorsement messages posted. I’m happy to oblige.
p>I have been Plymouth County Treasurer for two years, since a unanimous appointment by the Plymouth County Commissioners following the retirement of my predecessor. In two years, I have created over $120,000 in new sustainable revenues for the County. I have implemented recommendations of an outside audit firm that have been ignored for over a decade. I have solved outstanding tax liabilities that have burdened the County for almost a decade. As Chair of the Retirement Board, I have worked to increase the retirement funds by more than $100 million in challenging economic times. I have forged new working relationships with officials all across the County, including our new Joint Health Care Purchasing Program, which has saved millions of dollars for the towns and city of Plymouth County.
p>Prior to becoming Treasurer, I served in the Mass House of Representatives for 10 years from the 12th Plymouth District. I never missed a single roll call vote, casting over 3700 consecutive votes. I passed numerous pieces of significant legislation, including the O’Brien bill, which gave incentives for the film and TV industry to come to Massachusetts and has brought millions of dollars and thousands of jobs to the state; the Baby Safe Haven law; and the legislation to build the new Plymouth County registry.
p>My experience also includes six years as a financial services representative for a Fortune 100 company, where I managed multi-million dollar client portfolios. I am one of the few Treasurers in all of New England who is certified as a Series 6 and Series 63 Financial Services Representative. I worked for ten years at a major Boston law firm, handling clients’ business and legal matters. I am a native of Hanover, a resident of Kingston, and an Eagle Scout.
p>I ask for the support of all Blue Mass Group readers, and the votes of those in Plymouth County, on Tuesday in the Democratic Primary.
Thanks for posting your qualifications. I am duly impressed and, as a registered democrat in Plymouth County, I will vote for you on Tuesday. But why do you need the endorsements of people like Delahunt (Cesar Chavez’ best American friend)?