Ad in, post the Keating scandal, to McCain’s legacy his cosponsoring, supporting and voting for The Enron loophole that led to the Corporate collapse and the energy price manipulation that almost bankrupted California and it’s residents.
McCain Defends ‘Enron Loophole’
by Jason Leopold
May 19, 2008-Sen. John McCain says he opposes the $307 billion farm bill because it would dole out wasteful subsidies, but his chief economic adviser Phil Gramm also wants to stop its proposed regulation of energy futures trading, a market that was famously abused when Enron Corp. manipulated California’s electricity prices in 2001.
Right on the heels of Enron came his support and vote for Gramm/Leach/Blithly Act. That deregulated Wall Street and brought us to this day and time. I think there is enough evidence to show that a President McCain would successfully put the final stake into the heart of Main Street USA and the Middle Class.
John McCain’s Gramm Gamble
The GOP presidential nominee is relying on the ex-senator who helped bring you the mortgage crisis and Rick Perry.
Here are links to the facts;…
It’s time to review these facts and take a hard look at the road ahead, it is promising to be full of pitfalls as we attempt to put the economic genie back in it’s bottle. John McCain’s history suggest he’s the one responsible for constantly pulling out the cork and letting the genie out. We can not afford nor are we likely to survive a continuation of these kinds of policies and lack of good judgement by a President McCain. You be the judge.
Best to All
amberpaw says
In my field of law [g.l.c.119 and g.l.c.210,esp.] courts are allowed to look at how a defending party behaved in the past to extrapolate their future and present competence.
p>McCain doesn’t know the difference between a state like Pakistan with a vibrant legal culture based on English Common Law, where its Supreme Court defied illegal acts by their president, and lawyers are a force for justice – and the Sudan – that is not only appalling, but predictive as to a President McCain treating Pakistan and other countries who built themselves based on the common law of England with disprespect.
p>Further, McCain has shown clearly that he sees the Oligarchic elite “more deserving” in a way that I find reminiscent of Animal Farm – you know, a revolution for equality among farm animals became “All pigs are equal but some pigs are more equal.”
p>McCain and families like his, with the ethnic heritage like his are more equal. His father after all was an admiral – and therefore McCain has never worked outside the military elite in his entire life, and his friends and associates are from the elite.
p>Pakistanis, factory workers, first generation college graduates, and the working middle class need not apply.