While the attention of the political media has been focused on how McCain and the Republicans are desperately trying to look competent in dealing with Gustav given their Katrina history, I haven’t seen much focus on the fact that such storms present grave risks to offshore oil rigs.
I mean McCain has basically thrown his entire economic and energy message behind the drilling flip-flop. With oil production in the Gulf brought to a standstill doesn’t dependence on new drilling look a risky proposition?
Without politicising the storm egregiously isn’t this a point our guys should be making?
Please share widely!
pers-1765 says
Excerpt from January 17, 2007 State of the State Address. by Governor Sarah Palin (R-AK)
p>Excerpt from Oil companies have lots of leases to drill . By Senator Joseph Biden (D-DE), July 9, 2008 in The News Journal (Wilmington, DE)