Word is that there is a videotape around showing Sarah Palin saying that God told her that we should have the war in Iraq and that we should drill for oil in Alaska. Hmmmm. Very interesting.
Funny, The Pope said we should end the war and protect the environment. Wonder who was really communicating with the Prince of Peace?
Also, did anyone hear the two old Wheezers speak at tonight’s Republicrat Convention. Thought Fred Thompson was going to lose a lung because he kept wheezing and coughing so much as did to a less extent Joe Liberman. Yup, The GOP – The Grand OLD Party in action. Anyone have a parametic handy?
Please share widely!
laurel says
why headline your story that way? also, i’m not sure fundamentalist christians care much about what the pope says. you know,seeing as they’re protestants and all. i mean, your point is well taken, but in this case your logic belongs on rmg.
johnt001 says
There’s only a snippet of actual video, where she says our soldiers should be on a mission from god, but there’s a good deal of the text from her speech as well:
p>Let us talk
p>There’s also a couple of other videos on there, watch them both – it appears that her church is a cult. It says that the full speech is available at the church’s web site, but it’s been taken down.
johnt001 says
Part one:
p>Part two:
p>Scary critique of Wasilla Assemblies of God:
p>And some more background on the church:
pj says
Having worked with a good number of these Assembly of God folks you should know that they do not believe that the Pope is a Christian and they are rabidly anti-Catholic.
They are a true “Christian” cult worthy of a Tom Cruise follower type.
Sarah Palin is one of them. She is a real cult member.
bob-neer says
Can you support your statements? It would be useful to see the support.
pj says
Yes, worked with many AG at Christian Broadcasting. They prevented CBN from running the cartoon “Casper The Friendly Ghost” because they said it was Satanic as is the celebration of Halloween and Roman Catholic theology. They make Reverand Haggie look like a raving liberal.
Telling you, these Assembly of God folks are a cult. You should see what they say about the Church of LDS The Mormons and forget what they say about The Christian Science Church.
The AG’s are religious intollerants of the first order.
peter-porcupine says
As opposed, of course, to Progressives and Democrats on places like BMG who are so tolerant and respectful of the religious and spiritual choices of others.
huh says
Growing up in Texas, my Baptist, Pentecostal and AG friends would regularly talk about how the Jews and Catholics were going to hell. Catholics were a particular target, usually something along the lines of “we’re critical of Roman Catholicism because of the many unbiblical and blatantly sinful practices it advocates.” They’d go on to talk about Pope, idol, and Mary worship…
laurel says
that we’re the ones trying to get PJ to put facts behind his religious assertions. i know that’s inconvenient for your rant, but try to at least look honest about what’s happening here.
pj says
Many of the Assembly of God nuts I worked with were nuts. Many were many time divorced or recovering alcoholics, druggies or worse. The used the structure of the AG Church to as their new drug of choice. They were all puppets who could not think for themselves. Also, the ones who worked at CBN didn’t believe in taking a bath. The smelled of BO.
Other than that they were fine people.
laurel says
but when you make sweeping statements such as those regarding the AG vs. RCC, it’s best to back them up with something more. It shouldn’t be too hard, for example, to find a sample of anti-RCC writing by AGs.
pj says
The Crazy AG’s as I said that I worked with mocked the precepts of the Catholic faith, its prayers, its salvation message, the Transubtantiation of the Body of Christ on and on. As I said they are the perfect whores of Satan servicing his nether parts by tearing down others Christian belief structure.
huh says
I’m kinda regretting backing you up now. Still, in my experience, yes, the AG are anti-Catholic. The other stuff, feh.
strat0477 says
are not too keen on Catholics.
p>My grandparents reaction when I converted to Eastern Orthodoxy was, “That’s almost like being Catholic!”
huh says
Or Jack Chick Comix. This one is a “classic” of the genre.
p>Hagee has now apologized, but still.
mr-lynne says
to stream this at work today. I’m a little disgusted by it.
p>Ask for praying for a pipeline project? Declare that the war is God’s plan? Ask for praying for drilling? Then the pastor starts out with “Father we are so humble…”