Hemp Fest in the Boston Common
Boston just spent thousands of dollars to seed and renovate the Boston Common. The powers that govern the Common all agree that our parks are a limited resource and need to be taken care of, that their use it not for every parade, gathering or festival.
‘Hemp’ is slang for marijuana and the word can mean other things, but if you saw the crowd on Saturday at Hemp Fest; you can only come away with one conclusion. Why are Boston Parks Dept and Mayor Menino promoting the use of an illegal substance? How can we clean up the drugs sales in the Common when the city is promoting hemp? Is this a legacy issue or does City Hall actually think this is a worthy cause?
In addition to the flawed logic of having a Hemp Fest allowed in the Common at all, the noise and decibel level of the concert far exceeds most other events. The neighborhoods surrounding the common have a right to peace and quiet on a Saturday afternoon/early evening. There need to be stronger guidelines and enforcement of noise levels in the Common and other city parks. There is no reason why worthy events in the Common and the neighborhoods surrounding it both can’t enjoy a beautiful fall day.
p>Have you yet submitted your list of approved events of the Common to the mayor? He can’t discriminate properly until he has your guidelines. I hope you ask him to keep those little kids out of the wading pool too. All that pee and toe jam puts a strain on the system. Probably should shoot the swans too. Poop, you know – they poop a lot. Right into the water. Terrible.