I will admit it, I am concerned. I am still considering voting for McCain and I have no idea why.
I mean, I know I can not stand Obama. I detest everything that he represents.
But in the past few weeks we have been gifted with the launch of two major trial baloons that have shown us what things would be like in crisis, if either major party candidate were be elected.
On the domestic side we have the “crisis on wall street” and on the international side we had the “blowup in georgia”.
On both of these issues you could not possibly have spotted any daylight in the space that should be between the positions of these two candidates.
No difference, except possibly in the perception of which of the two would run to fetch masters’ water faster.
So why, in any semblance of sanity, would I consider voting for McCain when I know for a fact that I cant stand Obama.
It just might be racism.
I … I think I’m a Racist !
Please share widely!
A lot of people are- most of them don’t know it, though. At least you’ve admitted that you have a problem. That’s step one.
Step two is stay home at least through mid-November and get plenty of rest. Don’t leave the house at all during this time, least of all to vote, as this may provoke undue anxiety and worsen your condition.
Then, for step three, humbly ask a power greater than yourself to remove your defects of character.
After you’ve completed these steps I’ll try to come up with some others.
otherwise they can’t work and THEY are he ones paying the vast majority of the FEDERAL TAX burden for the rest of the country. Think what would happen if all the people making over $150-200K stopped working and didn’t pay any taxes! CRISIS! Almost as bad as what would happen to the Boston School system if all the people paying for Private Schools sent their kids to the Public Schools… CRISIS!