Watch out for the new barrage of anti-Obama ads from the Double Talk Express. (Politco reports that Al Franken had a hand in crafting these new messages.)
and – until I read the link confusing to me and I did see it.
p>I hat to say it, but it is unfair to speak of a “new barrage of anti-Obama ads”, when in fact, it was SNL that had a skit with McCain approving some really false ads that SNL created. I’m not critisizing teh skit, it was funny.
and – until I read the link confusing to me and I did see it.
p>I hat to say it, but it is unfair to speak of a “new barrage of anti-Obama ads”, when in fact, it was SNL that had a skit with McCain approving some really false ads that SNL created. I’m not critisizing teh skit, it was funny.