While Republicans and Democrats predictably favor their party’s candidate by overwhelming margins, the experience gap among voters unaffiliated with either party is even narrower than the national totals. Forty-two percent (42%) say Obama has better experience to be president, but 37% say Palin does.
The potential problem for Democrats is that Obama, the junior U.S. senator from Illinois and a former state legislator, is the party’s standard-bearer, while Palin, an ex-mayor and now governor of Alaska, is number two on her party’s ticket.
So How can we make this work for us.
Hmm .. I know!
In the spirit of this year of unprecedented politics, how about Biden debates McCain while Obama swaps one liners with Palin.
The matchups would be much better and the resulting game would be at least somewhat intelectualy appealing …. unless of course you like to see complete mismatches like in college football when Division 1A University of Alabama takes on Division 3 Chatanooga Ariclutural College.
could shift to his experience a Editor for the Harvard Review. Managing the stories, the advertising, delivering them on his bike… I’m sure his pundits will spin that job as relevant experience too. 42% vs. 37% after only 6 days, just wait another week or 2. Should we talk about his time working with the Weatherman, William Ayers
p>… Ayers told the New York Times in September 2001, “I don’t regret setting bombs…I feel we didn’t do enough.”
p>Maybe some of the “people holding their guns and bibles” would find this association “troubling”. Guess we’ll find out.
Or at least those of us who are stupid enough to engage you. God save us all.
So huh, put your hand on the bible and swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth…
p>What if… John McCain has a very similar relationship that BO has with Ayers (worked together on project… launches campaign from his house… but with someone nasty like David Duke. You would dismiss it, never mention it and vigorously demand all BMGers not comment on this McCain/Duke relationship? Would you seriously blow off this relationship and say it was on par with people blogging? And don’t say Ayers was no David Duke because Ayers tried to kill people and actually bombed buildings like the Uni-bomber. He was an American terrorist.
p>Why would ANYBODY defend BO’s relationship with a terrorist (whom has never apologized BTW)? Would it matter if he killed anyone or is the cause of civil disobedience worth innocent lives.
p>I don’t know you or your character, but how would you honestly handle this?
These questions are not worth engaging. Don’t be drawn in.
Many of us know bad people. I myself have konwingly engaged in conversation with JohnD, a racist, anti-semitic, homophobic boor. Does that mean I’m one? How about if I’d worked with JohnD on a project and he’d never mentioned his views? (I know hard to believe).
p>It’s just another example of how little they actually have on Obama.
Many of us do know bad people, and the smart ones stay far away from them.
p>Do you really think it matters that you personally attack me with the usual Racist, anti-semetic, homophobe bullshit lies? Your opinion means little to nothing to me. Your “smears” are just that. Thankfully, some people have to intelligence and fortitude to talk about some issues and not just call each other names.
p>You are a great example of someone who is muting the conversation about issues that should be discussed. I have the guts to ask questions about race so I am a racist. Obama gave a speech on Father’s Day about black men acting like father’s and not just making a baby. It was landmark. If I made the same speech on this site you all would call me a racist. You are blind to any discussion you disagree with. I asked why our society ends up with disproportionate groups within certain fields including Blacks in basketball, Jewish people in Medicine and Law, Asian students over-performing… and you brand me an Anti-semetic. How dod you miss calling me anti-Asian? And homophobic… just to correct you I don’t really like homosexuals that much but it’s low on my “dislike scale” so I wouldn’t characterize it as a phobia… but liberalphobic is another thing.
p>You also forgot something that so few of you guys have, a sense of humor. So many people so uptight. Obama and Biden will lose so get over it. World won’t end (we hope).
p>Btw, are you suggesting that Obama worked with Ayers and never knew he was the infamous William Ayers? Good spin… right up there with he never knew Rev Wright was a racist anti-American nutbag!
his votes against bills that help veterans, etc. Oh, yeah, I forgot that we’re debating right-wingers. We need to suspend reality.
Was it from your friendship from blogflux?
p>Sure, advise her to vote “present”. Don’t engage me since you may look bad… sounds like John Kerry running from his debates. Another example of no spine.
p>So whenever I ask tough questions the attacks begin. Bad analogy, he’s a racist bigot neoconservative moron… blah blah blah.
p>The relationship between Ayers and Obama is a legitimate question. He launched his campaign from Ayer’s house so don’t try to paint it as ancient history either. Ayer’s is an admitted terrorist who bombed buildings in the US so please don’t write him off like he threw toilet paper at a house in some high school prank.
p>Now you guys can all run from this issue but NOT ADDRESSING it does not make it go away. As happens SO MANY times on this site, you are all cowards to discuss difficult issues.
p>Repeat the Obama credo… “PRESENT”
Duke is a scumbag racist.
He has planted hateful words.
Words can’t kill you.
You can ignore his words.
p>Ayers is a scumbag terrorist.
He has planted bombs.
Bombs have killed people.
You can’t ignore a bomber.
but thanks for finishing the job. As one blogger wrote, maybe Obama didn’t “know” he was a former terrorist. My bad.