John Aliperta – vote for me, my financial planning and real estate practices are down
John Cesan – vote for me, I’ll do the job for only $80K
Bob Colt – vote for me, I’m endorsed by Harshbarger
Thomas Concannon – vote for me, you made a mistake not electing me 8 years ago
Tara DiChristofaro – vote for me, I’m the only one who knows what this job does
John Panica – vote for me, I’m a 3rd generation Democrat and I can tell a joke
Gail Sullivan – vote for me, I worked for Tip O’Neill
Teresa Walsh – vote for me, I’m a woman endorsed by women
Sean O’Donovan – vote for me, I’m from Somerville, and I went to the mayor Menino school of oratory
Brian Chamberlain – vote for me, I’m NOT an attorney – in fact 17 law schools wouldn’t admit me
Leonard Golder – vote for me, I’m a multi-faceted expert, and I can see over the rostrum
Maria Sheehy – vote for me, I’m serious about the job, and I have cheering section
Katherine Triantafillou – vote for me, I feel the importance of the registry of probate to families in crisis
…my thanks and good luck to all the candidates for standing for the office and putting up with a little ribbing from this somewhat bemused delegate.
People care!
p>This was an exciting opportunity for the people of Middlesex County and the Commonwealth!
p>Sometimes in a democracy people need to pay attention!
p>BMGers know my beliefs concerning Margaret Marshall and the Trial Court. Judges should judge! Elected clerks and registers are responsible to the electorate!
p>Superintendacy of the courts means on rulings and conduct, not the mechanics!
p>This confrontation has been building since Mike Dukakis’ “court reform” wrestled the bricks and mortar of the courthouses from the people!
p>Again,, thanks for the reports!
You have to feel bad for some of these people who showed up and got no votes on the first ballot.
p>But really, if you have 2 minutes to make an impression on an audience and you spend 15 seconds of that talking about how you tried but failed to get into 17 law schools… Not the smartest move ever.
I was just shocked at how most of the candidates frittered away their two minutes telling us things we didn’t need to know, or at least things I felt told me nothing about what kind of Register they would be. I don’t care where you went to college. I don’t care if you are a “lifelong” Democrat, whatever that means. Giving multiple shout-outs to Waltham doesn’t work when most of the people in the room don’t live in Waltham (and probably wouldn’t have an effect anyway).
of how many times would we hear “restore integrity (or some synonym) to the office” and how many claimed they could “hit the ground running”. I think it was double digits for the first and half the field for the second.
You’re given two minutes to state why you would be the best person for the job. Wouldn’t you want to use that time to talk about THE JOB?? Identify the problems and then what ideas or solutions you have for them. We all know that there’s been a serious problem with integrity — DUH!! Think about the person you are selling to — me, the person voting for you.
p>I don’t care about your mother or your kids. I don’t care about your grandfather being a Democrat. I don’t care that you lost your last try at this office on the recount (although that struck me as whiny — which is certainly not a quality that is helpful in an administrator). I need to practice in that courthouse — tell me what specific ideas and expxeriences you bring to the table that will make the place work better for me and for the other consumers of services.
Some people were wondering why the candidates at the very bottom did not drop out after the first ballot. Someone made the comment that it really made no extra work for us whether or not they were in the race! Counting zero votes is the same amount of work whether or not they are included.