America be damned? Gee, who does that remind you of? And could the Palins have been ignorant of Vogler’s views in 1994?
To this day, the Alaskan Independence Party’s Web site proudly carries the following quote from Vogler: “I’m an Alaskan, not an American. I’ve got no use for America or her damned institutions.” And Tapper found that Palin had sent a video message to the party’s annual convention just last year.
I’m leery of relying on Wikipedia, but, given what we already know about Vogler, this seems safe: he was murdered, and, as he had previously made it clear that he wished not to be buried under the American flag, he was buried instead in the Yukon.
Country first, eh, Sen. McCain?
Let me jump ahead to the defense we can anticipate: the Alaskan Independence Party is part of the cultural milieu of Alaska, it doesn’t mean the same thing to Alaskans as it would to us, Palin is really a patriotic American, blah blah blah. And you know what? I have no trouble believing any of that.
Just as I had no trouble believing that Barack and Michelle Obama are patriotic Americans despite their long membership in the Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s church.
Maybe Wright wanted to piss on America, but I don’t recall hearing him wanting to succeed from it.
p>And Barack Obama never joined a political party who’s primary mission was to put up being a member of the union to a vote. That, I’m sorry, is far, far worse… and as “un-American” as it gets, short of actually abandoning the country for somewhere else.
the media were ALL OVER obama because of wright. shouldn’t they be all over this too? or if as you say palin’s involvement is worse, then they should be all over this and mccain yesterday.
Instead, we get to hear Anderson Cooper talk about how aweful it is we’re doing this to her daughter. Or something.
p>Um.. Anderson, we’re not the party of “family values.” Palin makes the bed, she lies in it. Had this VP pick not been a complete panicky decision, they could have announced her pregnancy in Alaskan news days ago, before she was ever officially selected, then this thing wouldn’t have ever been a big deal… she still could have been picked, even. But they clearly panicked and McCain’s decision-making mantra is the quick, knee-jerk reaction (seriously, that’s in his book and everything).
p>But, yes, you’re absolutely right. Of course this is media hypocrisy. They wouldn’t have stopped until he stepped down or hit Bush-like proportions in the polls.
I would also have no trouble believing that Sarah Palin thought Alaskan independence was kind of a neat idea. After all, wouldn’t that have been the whole point of joining the Alaskan Independence Party?
Maybe the idea of seceding appealed to her the year after Waco and Ruby Ridge. It did to most Republicans.
can you back that up? nope.
and Olympic Park are extreme outlying indicators of the mood of most Republicans after Waco and Ruby Ridge. That was the year everyone was convinced there were black helicopters and UN bases and stuff. It led to the 94 Republican sweep of Congressional races. Sure, maybe most Republicans didn’t want their state to secede a la the Confederacy, but they didn’t live in a state that offered the possibility, either. But that mood has dissipated and the tables have turned with the Bush years, now Black Helicopter is a band, though Fahrenheit 9/11 stirred the same pot for Dems.
Come on. When those people up in Vermont get the question onto the ballot, doesnt your heart go out to them, just a little?
Of course nothing like that would be tolerated or expected in the commonwealth ….
Here we get to debate and vote on rolling back TEMPORARY surtaxes only to be mocked and ignored by our almight leaders.
All praise the commonwealth.
I feel so much safer knowing that you are wearing your seatbelt by the way, it used to keep me up at night worrying ….
…is that Wright seems to believe that America can be redeemed. The Republicans want to put someone in the White House who clearly believes that America is beyond redemption.
sounds like some people I know from Texas. Did you know that after they say the pledge of allegiance, they say a Texas pledges as well?