Forget “Lipstick on a pig” the real pig is John McCain.
Remember a few years ago he told what he said was a joke but shows what a pig he is.
Going to reprint the “joke” here although it is in extreme bad form but it clearly demonstrates who the real “pig” is in this presidential campaign. Here goes:
“Quoting John McCain”
“Why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly?
Because Janet Reno is her father.”
Please share widely!
Who knew Janet Reno was a transvestite?
Who ever you are please post on your own reply section.
Don’t need you overwriting this post.
And I repeat – Fox News agrees with you about phony indignation. So try tamping it down instead of throwing decades-old kerosene on it.
Sorry, PP, but I put nothing past the GOP at this point. They want to win so desperately that they will stop at nothing. We’re going to hit back hard. Get used to it.
Proves my point.
Janet Reno couldn’t possibly be her father.
Looks like hope and change turned to bile and vitriol pretty quickly.
All kidding aside—you wonder what pols really say to their close friends and family members about others or god forbid what they think.
p>I have been led to understand that Bill Clinton really wasn’t a bad guy—-just had problems with his pants. On the other hand, Hillary Clinton is not a particularly nice person. Bush’s are supposed to be pretty forgiving people.
p>You folks are hitting back pretty hard——pretty tough stuff.
p>Umm… Kerosene?
p>If I may be allowed to interpret for David, I would say that the point HE is trying to make is not only that the ‘joke’ made by McCain is in poor taste but that it is also factually wrong. Chelsea Clinton is not, in fact, ugly. Therefor, in addition to lacking class, he lacks intellect as well. There may have been a time when, living in the White House as a teen and laden with braces and with a teens rapid development and resultant ungainliness, she might not have been considered beautiful. I guess I differ (again) with McCain on the need to scale underage women upon the beauty range. Maybe he’s just a pig. Quick, slap some lipstick on him…!!
p>Now, what point are you trying to make?
since it’s obviously a completely worthless, nasty insult, but instead I’m going to leave it up so that your hypocrisy and your mean-spiritedness can be on display for all to see.
Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder and saying xyz is beautiful is a meaningless phrase. Saying xyz is ugly is as meaningless as well. You look at who marries who on the left coast—-go figure. Someone married Bill Gates and someone else married Hillary Clinton. There is someone for everyone. Hey—someone married me and I’ve backed a starving jackass off a bail of hay and that was before the grenade.
That’s because you have a problem thinking of yourself as mean-spirited, so as a defense mechanism you pretend to not know what it means.
You should know by now that “mean spirited” is a term for when Republicans or more conservative Democrats say anything offensive about liberals.
p>When liberals say these types of remarks about Republicans, they are just passionate or spirited. In fact… if you want to read “mean spirited” I would suggest you read ANYTHING and EVERYTHING written by maryscott on BMG.
p>Hey David, how do you defend those posts??? Do you enjoy the use of the “F” word so “liberally”? Are they “NASTY”? “Mean spirited”?
p>As for the remark about Chelsea… I’ll quote Obama… “you can put lipstick on a pig, but it’s still a pig”. I’m referring of course to Chelsea’s support of the Democratic platform.
Very illuminating. How very enriched we are by these “alternative” points of view!
p>I look forward to reading numerous such exchanges on BMG in the future.
I guess not.
And it WAS a funny joke!
p>The ‘joke’ was made over 10 years ago. As I was at pains to point out, it’s decidedly icky for an old man of some 63 years of age passing judgement on the beauty of a still-developing teen. I don’t quite think it’s right for a man of his years to comment, either way, on teens… In fact, it’s really fucking cree-eepy.
p>What part was the most funny? The adultery part? The gender-confusion part? The part where a 63 year old man tears down a teenager? How very… Republican… to make such sport out of such bedrock GOP values as family, heterodoxy and honor. How very very Republican…
p>You make me nauseous.
Haven’t you figured out that IT DOESN’T work?
p>The funniest part was making fun of that Buffoon Janet Reno
… were you setting the terms of the debate?
p>My mistake. Next time, I’ll come you before deciding what makes me upset…
p>…I make no charge of hypocrisy. That ship has long sailed. No I’m charging him (and you) with outright pathology. Somewhere between berserker and demented the GOP stretches into obscene shapes in a manner more closely resembling sociopathic disorder then the act of hypokrisis.
As far as I’m concerned is that McCain is a MEAN OLD MAN who said something horribly ROTTEN about a young girl who was in her young-developmental years–both physically and mentally.
p>McCain is a disgusting PIG who purposely said something so hurtful that most teenage girls couldn’t deal with, let alone have to deal with because some a@@wipe considers them “public target area.”
p>McCain’s choice of running-mate lies. She’s corrupt. Her behavior is ugly even though she’s not. They try to claim sexism, while McCain has called his own wife a cunt and has offered her up to biker gangs.
p>McCain is disgusted and no amount of paints is going to make him into a decent guy.
He said it to a couple reporters, as I recall. Still mean to her, yes, and maybe he should have known the reporters would have to report it, but still, not the same thing as saying it to a cheering crowd.
He made the comments to a room full of republicans at a fundraising event. You know, republicans. Those people who claim to be all about family. It’s in the links above. Educate yourself.
That doesn’t contradict me. Fundraisers aren’t rallies, and candidates often speak to small groups of people at a time. Surely this joke was told to a small group of people, including some reporters that elected to tell it to the world (and Chelsea and Janet Reno). Remember the treatment that Mayhil Fowler got from Obama’s camp for repeating Obama’s description of Pennsylvanians at a fundraiser in San Fransisco? Here’s a NYT account:
p>(I defended Obama regarding that incident back in April.)
The fact that he said it shows that he doesn’t truly respect women.
Anyone care what Hillary Clinton says about anyone? I certainly don’t —-they are now all irrelevant.
p>Ten years ago—McCain allegedly made a bad joke—irrelevant. He was just a US Senator speaking to a local crowd. Look at the despicable things that John Kerry has uttered in the past two years. Kerry is still relevant because he speaks for the democratic party.
p>Obama IS the primary spokesman for the democratic party. What he says and does NOW is very relevant. November 5, 2008 it won’t make any difference. he’ll be Mr. Obama, then he can say anything he wishes.
The Chelsea “joke” was at a fundraiser.
His VP choice works as a govner she never stops she’s a go getter
p>Brings her out – she looks like a Queen
p>Makes Onama look like a teen
p>Liberals shouting somethin obscene
… at the convention that it was a convention of firsts. The first time the GOP has put a woman nominee for national office and the first time the GOP has come to the defense of an unwed mother. Gotta love the GOP’s new found feminism.
Triumph said he wanted to visit a landmark before leaving town. Of course for the punch line it was the Wide Stance Lounge. But the Dems failed to get any mileage whatsoever from the RNC ignoring another landmark: the collapsed minneapolis-st paul bridge. you know – the gop spends like mad on a hobby war, but can’t spare a dime for infrastructure at home. a real missed opportunity.
in a very different light, doesn’t it?
Mr. Lynne – Reality check.
p>The GOP was the party of women’s suffrage, due mainly to the efforts of Susan B. Anthony, a lifelong Republican. The 19th amendment was rejected by 4 sucessive Democratic-controlled Congreses until the GOP regained control in 1919. Of the legislatures that voted – 7 of 8 Democratic legislatures voted agains women’s suffrage, 28 of 36 Republican ones vote for it, and so it was ratified in 1920. The first convention to seat women delegates was the GOP – oddly enough, the LAST time we help the convention in Minnesota! The first woman elected to the Senate was Margaret Chase Smith (R) of Maine…
p>I could go on,’s not new-found.
p>Carry on.
to be part of a party that has so clearly lost its way.
The party (and the rest of us) would probably be much better off. That is genuinely meant as a compliment.
in her Salon article, about frontier women versus genteel Eastern ladies:
Your examples are hardly representative of today’s GOP. It used to be in this country that there were Democrats and Republicans and that, distinct from that there were conservatives and liberals. The GOP has decided to become synonymous with conservatism. Any party that is married the the same conservative movement that goes oh so gaga for Phyllis Schlafly can’t be called feminist in any meaningful way. So yeah… the GOP’s feminism is newly found, most likely for its campaign convenience.
p>I’m actually surprised it took the party of perpetual victimhood this long to make a feminist connection.
He hadn’t been sufficiently coached in how to pretend to be a nice guy! Low blow, guys.
Picking on a teenage girl is never acceptable.
p>Not ever.
p>Not from a community member.
p>Not from a public official.
p>Not from a Senator.
p>And never from a grown man to a mere child.
p>He’s a jerk.
Kurt Vonnegut, from Mother Night : “Be careful what you pretend to be, because you are what you pretend to be.”
it’s just that face to face conversations show more context and body language. When we read what someone else writes, we sort of use our own contextual understanding.
p>(Actually it sort of makes a person appreciate those little emoticans where it shows a person banging head on wall, right?)
Unless her Mom is running for Vice President of the USA
with people who don’t have free access to a mic and taxpayer funded salaries.
I accused you of not knowing what you were talking about and proved it.
p>Here again you don’t know what you’re talking about.
p>(Note to self: Why is this a useful debate?)
He is a father.
Sometimes the US has fought in wars that were unavoidable, particularly one that was initiated by a psychotic antisemitic monster with the stated intent of world subjugation. But wars are always bad, as in, the opposite of good.
with war emits a statement that “Wars aren’t necessarily a bad thing;” displays truly profound ignorance.
You can make the argument that Nucular disaster is a WORSE thing, and I might agree.
p> It’s a typical GOP tactic to make the possibility of the worse try to do the work of lipstick on a pig…
However, sometimes they are necessary.
once told the “Why did the chicken cross the road” joke. A class action on behalf of all animals stapled to the chicken is forming now.
p>Is there a statute of limitations on impugning candidates for bad joke telling?
and what it’s about?
p>Hint: It’s not about bad jokes.
your sense of humor into the rest of us, johnk.
sarcasm at times zooms over my head.
Politicians, with the rare exception like Mo Udall, got lousy good standup. I’m guessing that Chelsea “adolescence wasn’t kind to her but she’s a future fox” Fox wasn’t so hot in ’92 as her ’08 photo, and it was still a lousy joke, whether it was McCain or Michael Myers (source of quote from SNL).
p>But fer god’s sake, Senator Obama’s all for gun control yet just shot himself in both feet. Whether he meant Ms. Palin was a pig or not, the audience figured that’s what he meant. No big deal, apologize, and move on.
p>But no, facing two options. Stay above the fray, or elevate the ‘outrage’ to a higher level. It’s a Bob “stop lying about my record” Dole or a Ed “stop lying about my wife” Muskie moment.
p>It’s his own, Barrack “you guys in the press have the brains of fleas to eat this outrage thing (sips chardoney) up” Obama moment. “My friends, it was obviously (gazing distantly toward the Acropolis) one of myriad examples of agitprop theater, halfhearted apoplexy and misdirected metaphor and in turn the McCain campaign has behaved incorrigibly….”
p>Get over it dude, you didn’t mean to call the lady a pig. Move on.
p>Seriously, he says it was a reference to his economic policy?! Oh, he has a sublime sense of humor, no? Small town lady like that moose huntin’, mayor whose staff is a fraction of his grand campaign cult can’t grasp the reference.
p>Two weeks from now, average memory will be “he implied she’s a pig?” and we’ll be off to the next pivotal moment.
p>Meanwhile, we’ve seen that Pallin’s banned books, posed in a bikini holding a Bushmaster rifle and a mini-skirt in the kitchen. Of course the kid wasn’t the mom’s; it was the daughter’s.
p>John McCain or Ms. Palin could tirade to claim their own Dole, Muskie, Bush I, Obama moment, but neither did. Good strategy? You decide. Nah. Don’t. It was a good decision, just as Senator Obama’s decision, wasn’t.
p>august 29, 2008:
p>Have I mentioned the prediction markets (you know, people who put their money where their mouth is) just turned in McCain’s favor for the first time this year.
… breathtaking in it’s sheer lack of coherence. I mean… they’re all good sentences, in and of themselves… they just don’t make sense next to each other. Any collection of paragraphs that contains two ‘buts’, one ‘meanwhile’ and a ‘have I mentioned…’ in so short a space has got to be saying something… I’m just not sure what.
p>Thanks, anyways, for the brain dump. Get some sleep. Don’t forget to gargle with mouthwash first. It’ll get the bad taste out and untwist your tongue… that way you can get some straight talking in…
That MCain’s comment about Chelsea was in poor taste. But Nobama knew EXACTLY what he was saying in his reference to Sarah Palin. Why no criticism about Nobama and NoBiden voting FOR the bridge to nowhere. (pleae correct me if I’m wrong)
So does Nobama believe all women are pigs? Or just white ones running against him.
Someone please start a post about Kerrt’s new commercial about bringing heating oil to us. He’s lying, and I can back it up.
and has her old man looked in the mirror lately. He looks like a bloated goat…without lipstick.
and has her old man looked in the mirror lately. He looks like a bloated goat…without lipstick.……
And even most Republicans realized they would really piss of a lot of constituents if they voted for it (YAY) so they didn’t.
p>And neither did Obama or Biden.
p>BTW…back up your shT before you make your claims…DUH. Or does it take additional time to create bull sht?
The Nobama phrase means you are a follower of that bigot Jay Severin who doesn’t even use his real name.
As To Pig’s in the Palin family it is not Sarah but her daughter, Bristol Cream on Rocks who is the pig. Now, did you read that her inseminator Levi Hockey *uck doesn’t want to marry her and make an honest woman out of her.
Yup, let’s bring that disfunctional family into the Washington. Weren’t Bill and Hillary bad enough.
So you can hang yourself. Leave the girl alone. McCain was wrong and so are you.
Not sure when Bristol Cream lost her virginity but pretty sure she became a Woman long before Levi Hockey *uck impregnated her. My bet is 14 !
which the context makes perfectly clear to anyone who has payed the slightest bit of attention. McCain used the exact same phrase to attack Clinton last year, and I don’t remember Republicans getting all upset about his sexist attack on Hillary.
You have deployed a tactical “looky looky” device here.
Seeing that, I’m of the opinion that some here at least, even if they won’t say it, feel that Senator Obama knew how potentially offensive his “lipstick” remark might be, even as he was uttering it.
p>First off, let’s blow away the smoke screen.
The only applicable timeline for this incident is that since Governor Palin was named by John McCain as his running mate on Friday, August 29.
p>Any other uses of the well known “lipstick” saying, and/or other jokes previously made in bad taste or not, are irrelevant, and are being introduced only to divert attention from the current flap.
p>1.) On Monday, Sept. 1, Barack Obama was interviewed by Anderson Cooper:
p>Of course, Mr. Obama conveniently overlooked the fact that Mrs. Palin was also the elected Governor of Alaska – but of course that would not have fit the belittling theme of his comment.
p>His derisive remark received little if any notice by the media or the left wing bloggers.
p>2.) Two days later, on Wednesday, September 3, Sarah Palin responded to Mr. Obama in her accetance speech at the Republican National Convention:
p>This was also the speech in which Mrs Palin set the context for the word “lipstick” in the campaign:
p>Of course, Obama supporters went ballistic, accusing Palin of unfairly attacking their nominee and “going negative.”
p>Again, completely ignoring Obama’s insult of Mrs. Palin’s record only two days earlier.
p>3.) Fast forward to Obama’s gaffe.
p>Any candid viewer, knowing – KNOWING the history of the previous week, can scarcely be called credible if they make the claim that this remark wasn’t ill considered.
p>Now, was the insult planned in advance? I can’t say.
It appears to me an impromptu, ham handed attempt at humor.
p>Obviously, He’s not too quick on his feet.
Looks like it just got away from him, not that that’s any excuse.
p>In any case, the Senator still owes Governor Palin an apology.
p>Of course, we know now that Obama (or his handlers) made a decision to dig in.
To feign innocence.
To blame others.
p>In choosing a disingenuously worded denial, the Senator has spurnned a golden opportunity for a self deprecating apology that might have actually turned this thing to his own favor.
p>So much for political instinct.
p>Mr. Obama is fortunate that the timing of this story runs up against today’s observances of the 9/11 attrocities, and will die out in the msm as a result.
p>But rest assured that cracking wise on a lady has had a negative impact on Mr. Obama that no amount of “looky looky” is going to erase.
p>Mr. Obama’s short, and unfortunate career in stand-up brings to mind another porcine maxim:
You can try to teach a pig to sing.
But you’ll waste your time, and annoy the pig.
p>Here, let me translate. A shorter version of the above post:
We must all give this subject a poke!
For our own guy has gaffed.
And the sycophants laughed.
So let’s break out the mirrors and smoke!
It’s amazing how many trolls live underneath the Bridge to Nowhere.